
Student and business cooperative agreements

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Cooperation agreement

If you plan to write an assignment that involves working with a company/external organization, you need to sign an agreement that details what will be involved in your work. You can do this in one of two ways:

  1. You write the master's thesis in cooperation with a company or organization outside NTNU:
    • You must complete the standard agreement in SharePoint. Remember to choose "Yes" when asked if you are cooperating with a company or organization outside of NTNU.
    • Note that two separate agreements are generated after they are approved by the supervisor and the department in the system. You will then receive a notification by e-mail; you must print out the standard agreement on cooperation as pdf, and have it signed by the company in four copies, which are delivered to the parties concerned (you, supervisor, department, and business) before it is valid.
    • Agreement form and information
  2. You will cooperate with a company or organization outside of NTNU on an assignment that is not a master's thesis:
    • The agreement is finalized by filling out this document and having it signed by the parties concerned (you, supervisor, department, and business): pdf-document |doc.-document
    • The agreement is mandatory for student works such as bachelor`s thesis or project assignments.


Many companies or organizations will ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement before you can gain access to their inner sanctums or . Use the following confidentiality agreement as a template:

Acceptance - transfer of rights to NTNU

This acceptance form must be used when students are to transfer IP rights to NTNU. Intellectual property rights (IPR) is a collective term for copyright, patent rights, design rights, and trademark rights, among others.

Students will typically need to accept a transfer of IPR if they participate in EU projects or projects that are funded by the Research Council of Norway. Both the EU and the Research Council require participants in projects to transfer intellectual property rights to the results to the organization that has received funding.

Confidentiality agreement between student and NTNU - particularly sensitive projects

In some projects, there may be a need for exceptions from open and free research due to particularly important or valuable patentable inventions. Disclosure of information regarding the project may result in destruction of the right to patent the invention. In order for students to be involved in such particularly vulnerable projects, it is a prerequisite that the person in question signs a confidentiality agreement.