Nettskjema - Kunnskapsbasen
Nettskjema (Online Forms) is an online data collection tool for students and staff. Nettskjema is flexible and can be used for various types of surveys and data collections, for both small and large amounts of data. You can perform the collections online or with mobile apps. On this page you will find more information about the service.
Norwegian version: Nettskjema
What is Nettskjema?
- A tool for designing and managing data collection using forms online.
- A secure solution for data collection online.
- Questionnaire and multiple choice
- Management of large amounts of data
- Can be used to collect sensitive personal data Services for sensitive data (TSD).
- The service is developed and operated by UiO and accessible through a browser.
With Nettskjema you can
- Create questionnaires
- Invite people to answer
- See received answers
- Export answers to spreadsheets.
- Deliver audio data via the Nettskjema-Diktafon mobile app online forms
You access Nettskjema using your NTNU username and password (FEIDE-login)
User guide
User guide and support for Nettskjema
Support and user guide: Get started on how to use online forms, what options are available, how you invite people to answer etc.
Data processor agreement (DPA)
NTNU has signed a DPA with UiO for the use of Nettskjema. The DPA applies to you as a user of Nettskjema as a student or employee at NTNU.
Status pr 01.10.2020 – Nettskjema for sensitive data with storage in TSD: Every project at NTNU has to sign a DPA with UiO when a project uses access to TSD. See wiki Wiki with information about TSD, and how to apply for access to TSD.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Q: Does Nettskjema log the responder's IP-address?
A: No, Nettskjema will not collect the IP-address or any personal data if you do not collect any personal identifiable data. This depends on how you configure your form. Read more UiOs wiki.
UiO offers support, During normal working hours
Research Data @NTNU offers advice, help and guidance.