
Managing challenging counselling situations

Recommended procedures for challenging and threatening situations during academic supervision.

Norsk versjon - Håndtere utfordrende veiledningssituasjoner

Emergencies – phone numbers and emergency preparedness

Violence and threats of violence

  • If you are alone, move away from the situation
  • Always notify your closest leader or deputy
  • Consider closing down rooms to protect others
  • If the threats are not directed at you, you must notify the subject(s) of the threats.
  • Always alert the police in case of violence or serious threats.

Police emergency line: 112

In case of less serious incidents or disruptive behaviour, you are advised to leave the office if the student/employee does not. Contact your leader or deputy to discuss further actions.

Threats by e-mail/phone

  • E-mail: Do not respond. Contact your leader or deputy to discuss further actions
  • Phone: Act calmly, and contact your leader or deputy to discuss further actions
  • If the threats are not directed at you, you must notify the subject(s) of the threats

Serious illness or suicide hazard

If a student/employee threatens to take his/her own life, contact:

  • The regular GP, if known
    The Ambulant Emergency Team (AAT) at St. Olavs Hospital: 73 86 54 41
  • Casualty ward: 116 117
  • Foreign student without an ID number? Contact the Gløshaugen medical centre:
    73 59 32 80

The student/employee must not leave the premises before an agreement is made with the relevant healthcare personnel. If the student/employee must be escorted to see a physician, do not drive alone. Bring a colleague or take a taxi together with the student/employee. The student/employee must be personally delivered to the physician.

If you suspect other serious diseases or accidents, please contact:

  • Medical emergency / ambulance: 113

Student help services

The student can contact the following services:

What should you do after a difficult incident?

  • You should always talk to your closest leader after experiencing a difficult incident. The leader is responsible for following up on employees.
  • Make sure that the incident is registered in the nonconformity system.
  • Additionally, you can contact the HSE Division for an in-depth conversation.


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See also

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