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This page contains information about IT-kontaktforum at NTNU.

Norsk versjon: IT-kontaktforum


What is IT-kontaktforum?

IT-kontaktforum is a meeting place for employees and students who are interested in happenings and development around IT at NTNU. This applies to IT in research, teaching and dissemination.

Where do the meetings take place?

The meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month, except in January, July and August due to vacation. There is a meeting place at the IT-hub at Sluppen (Sluppenveien 12 BC, 1st floor) as well as an online meeting on Teams. Video recordings are made of all presentations that are subsequently made available at NTNU's Wiki area for IT-kontaktforum.

How do I participate?

Invitations to the meetings are sent out via the mailing list To subscribe or unsubscribe to this mailing list you must do the following:

  1. Subscribe: Send the following mail to
  2. Unsubscribe: Send the following mail to

Information about the meetings is also posted on the Innsida’s channel "IT at NTNU". Everyone is welcome to follow this channel on Innsida.

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