
Access to the media archive Atekst

NTNU University Library has an agreement with Retriever, which provides students and staff with access to Atekst. Everyone can search by title and lead, but if you need access to the full text, you must submit an application through NTNU Help.

Norsk versjon - Tilgang til Atekst

Who can get access?

Master's students, PhD students, and staff with academic needs can apply for access to the full text. You can do this by reporting your needs through NTNU Help. Students have access for one month, and staff have access for the calendar year.

 Apply for access to Atekst

NTNU pays 10 kroner every time articles are opened. Consider your need before opening an article, and download the article immediately upon opening it. Automatic or bulk downloading is not allowed (maximum of 400 articles in total per user).

What is Atekst?

Atekst is a media archive that contains the original editions of Norwegian national, regional, and local newspapers, as well as a variety of magazines and journals. It includes over 1,000 Norwegian newspapers and other periodicals, nearly 400 municipal websites, and online radio and TV resources.

 Go to Atekst


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