
HSE at Faculty of engineering

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Theme page about Health, Safety and Environment - HSE for employees at Faculty of engineering

HSE goals at Faculty of engineering

Operational objectives for the Faculty of Engineering

Ensure risk is under control by having all units at the Faculty of Engineering work to present themselves as fully responsible through active engagement with:

  • Maintaining an overview of how responsibilities, tasks, and authorities for health, environment, and safety work are distributed within the organization.
  • Exercising clear leadership for HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) work.
  • Identifying relevant HSE risks.
  • Implementing effective risk management and tailored preparedness.
  • Providing secure and functional workplaces for employees and students.
  • Continuously engaging in improvement efforts.

Good and effective HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) work within the Institutes and Faculty Administration entails that one:

  • Establishes annual cycles and action plans based on the faculty's HSE goals and local risks
  • Has clear roles for responsibilities, tasks, and authority in HSE work
  • Provides thorough HSE training to employees and students
  • Has effective routines for following up on its internal control conducts necessary safety inspections
  • Performs required risk assessments and ensures job safety analyses (JSA)
  • Includes HSE on the agenda of management meetings
  • Involves safety delegates in the planning of HSE work within the unit

HSE training for students and employees

All employees and students at the Faculty of Engineering must complete basic HSE training. The HSE course is an E-learning course developed by the Faculty of Engineering. The course must be taken before specific local HSE training is provided in laboratories or workshops.

Basic HSE at the Faculty of engineering

NOTE: Employees and students at The Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) must use the departments own course as indicated below.

Department of Energy and Process Engineering

Access to Laboratories for Employees and Students at EPT

HSE roles at the Faculty of Engineering

List of employees in HSE roles at the Faculty of Engineering

Risk assessment

Occupational health and safety (HMS) risk management and risk assessment should be an integrated part of the operation at all levels. NTNU should have an approach to occupational health and safety based on risk assessment.

EQS: NTNU's digital tool for, among other things, HMS risk assessment. See

Field work

The HSE guidelines for fieldwork indicate that leaders and participants in fieldwork should complete field cards with personal information and contact details. The exception is if a risk assessment reveals that the fieldwork lacks specific risk elements.

HSE cards at construction and building sites

Everyone working at construction and building sites must have an HSE card

Contact at NTNU

Office workspace

Ergonomic adaptation of office workspace.

NTNU guidelines

E-learning. Office ergonomics

Computer glasses

Employees are entitled to a visual examination and an assessment of their need for computer glasses or corrective safety glasses

NTNU guidelines

Working alone

The guideline aims to ensure that all units within the Faculty of Engineering have procedures for lone work that adhere to the requirements of the Working Environment Act, § 4-1(3), concerning a fully safe working environment and assessment of the risks associated with lone work. The guideline encompasses work within laboratory and workshop areas as well as fieldwork. It does not apply to office work.

Guidelines for lone work - translation in process

Medical examination

If you are exposed to hazardous substances at work, you might be offered a medical examination. Health examinations may be necessary to prevent and hinder the development of work-related health injuries. The employer holds the ultimate responsibility for identifying which employees require health monitoring through their duty to ensure that the provisions given in and pursuant to the Working Environment Act are adhered to (§2-1 of the Working Environment Act).

Medical examination

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  • HSE roles at Faculty of Engineering

    Page under construction Information about HSE roles at Faculty of Engineering Information in Norwegian HSE roles at The Faculty of engineering Leaders Faculty of Engineering: Olav Bolland IBM -...