

Post Doc Action - IE

Postdoc Action  @IE

The aim of this action is to establish a set of measures and initiatives aimed at increasing the quality of post-doctoral fellowships at IE, both for the individual postdocs and for IE facutly. More concretely, the aim is to increase the career readiness by raising career awareness and supporting postdocs at the faculty in their career development and to improve the attractiveness and quality of postdoctoral positions at IE. 


Link to NTNUs recruitment practices

Link To Recruitment Practices with links to templates and other relevant documents. 


Scientfic start-up meeting should include: 

Link to Career plan 

Training, events and courses:

A s part of their career development and in line with their individual career plan (ambitions and identified measures that are needed to realize those ambitions),  post doc s should be offered the possibility to take both specialized and more generic, transferable skills-oriented courses and training sessions during their employment period at NTNU.   

Courses and seminars will be announced on NTNUs Skills development and courses pages («Læringsportalen») 

NTNUs Educational Development Unit («Uniped») also organizes relevant courses, such as:


As part of the proposed additional guidelines for pos t doctoral researchers at NTNU, post docs should be offered the possibility to get a mentor if desired . Topics that can be discussed with the mentor include e.g., one’s career plan and career options, establishing independence as a researcher, setting  work  priorities, dealing with difficult situations at work.  

Mentoring guidelines

Postdoc contacts at the IE faculty:


Department Name
IE faculty Lena Haugen
IDI Camilla Thun Waaden 
IEL Bodil Wold
IES Nina Lundberg
IIR Gunn-Helen Hellevik
IIK Marina Shaliaginova
IMF Lisa Wedershoven
ITK Berit Dahl

Link to Roadmap for postdoctoral position


Norwegian regulations of relevance