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Kommende ph.d.-stillinger - IES

Kommende muligheter for doktorgradsstudier ved Institutt for elektroniske systemer. Utlysning av stillingene kommer senere.

Foreløpig Tittel: Postdoc and PHD positions on nonlinear optics in ferroelectric thin film photonic integrated circuits

Kontaktperson:Johann Riemensberger

Foreløpig Start: 1.2.2025

Foretrukket Bakgrunn: Optics and photonics, nanofabrication, photonic integrated circuits

Prosjektbeskrivelse: The objective of this work is to develop nonlinear integrated photonic circuits based on Lithium Tantalate thin films promising to revolutionize optical amplification and frequency comb generation with the goal of developing a new generation of photonic integrated devices. The candidate will develop optical design and nanofabrication concepts and methodology to realize the photonic waveguides and circuits. Furthermore, integration of photonic components with high power semiconductor lasers is envisioned to bring the technologies closer to their final application.

Foreløpig Tittel: Sikker kommunikasjon i nordområdene

Kontaktperson:Kimmo Kansanen

Foreløpig Start: 01.07.2024

Foretrukket Bakgrunn: ELSYS / matematikk, TTT4130 + TTT09 er foretrukket

Prosjektbeskrivelse: Sikkerhet og pålitelighet av kommunikasjon har en stor påvirkning av aktivitetene i nordområdene. I dette arbeidet utvikler vi metoder, mest for satellittkommunikasjon, for radiokommunikasjon med høy pålitelighet samt sikkerhet. Det siktes for testing med riktig payload etter 2027. Finansieringen krever at kandidaten har høye muntlige og skriftlige ferdigheter i norsk.

Foreløpig Tittel: A biosensor design and implementation considered for Internet of Bio-nano things

Kontaktperson: Ilangko Balasingham

Foreløpig Start: Can be agreed later

Foretrukket Bakgrunn: Circuit and system design, photonics, or nanoelectronics

Prosjektbeskrivelse: The objective of this work is to investigate novel technologies (optical or microwave) to develop the conceptual design and implementation of a biosensor promising to continuously and precisely sense and process molecular signals among infectious bacteria colonies. For this, engineered bacteria will be considered as a first step of biosensor development. This work is done by the Postdoctoral Fellow. The bacteria aim to detect and amplify in the low concentration of the quorum sensing (QS) molecules. The candidate will consider optical or microwave detection components/methods consisting of light-emitting diodes and a photodiode array placed near the QS-sensing bacteria to detect low levels of bioluminescence or fluorescence emission. A new biosensor developed in the project will be tested in the lab and compared the results with the classical fluorescence detector.