
Internal Application Procedures for Erasmus Mundus Participation

Information in Norwegian

All participation in Erasmus Mundus Join Master’s Degrees must be approved by the rector.

The Faculty is to apply to the rectorate for approval of participation in the application process by 15 October. The external EU application deadline is 15 February. If the application is selected by the EU, NTNU commits to participation in the consortium programme for four consecutive rounds of admissions.

This application procedure concerns new Erasmus Mundus applications as well as the extension or continuation of existing programmes. See The Portfolio Guide, sections 3.2 and 4.21, for an overview of the contents of the application package.

The application package submitted to the rectorate should have a length of approximately two to three pages, and should primarily be written in Norwegian. The internal evaluation of the application emphasizes the strategic importance of the project as well as the added value of participation in the consortium.

Contact persons

Office of International Relations: Wolfgang Laschet /Gunnar Bergseth (for any questions regarding Erasmus Mundus or EU applications generally)

Education Quality Division: Lars Trovatten Grønflaten/Ingvild Strand (for questions regarding the establishment or development of study programmes)