
Work Environment Survey - for employees

The Work Environment Survey is one of the tools NTNU uses to develop a positive working environment. As an employee, you have a duty to participate, and the survey provides an opportunity for you to influence your working conditions.

Norwegian version: Arbeidsmiljøundersøkelse – for medarbeidere

Work Environment Survey – for managers | HSE topics page | Psychosocial work environment

Why is NTNU conducting a work environment survey?

  • A sound, well-functioning work environment is essential to achieving NTNU's goals.
  • To learn more about how staff perceive their working conditions.
  • To provide a basis for strategic work environment initiatives and organizational development measures.
  • To fulfil the requirements of the Working Environment Act for a positive working environment, health-promoting workplaces, and systematic surveying and follow-up of the work environment.

The Work Environment Survey takes the temperature of the psychosocial work climate at the unit level and at NTNU as a whole. The survey and follow-up meetings are an opportunity for you as an employee to voice how you feel on the job and to influence your work conditions and your work day.

This feedback helps your manager in striving to promote a positive working environment in agreement with NTNU's values - creative, critical, constructive, and respectful.

All employees are expected to respond to the survey and contribute to the follow-up as described below:

  • Complete the survey.
  • Use the opportunity to share how you experience your working conditions.
  • Participate in the follow-up meeting and further follow-up work.
  • Provide suggestions and input on how your work environment can be further improved and maintained.


  • A questionnaire will be distributed on Monday, 6 November 2021, with a response deadline of 27 November.
  • Employees will receive an e-mail with a personal link to the work environment questionnaire from
  • Overall NTNU results and Faculty results will be published in January 2022.
  • Unit-level results will be presented in a follow-up meeting at the individual units. The follow-up meeting provides an opportunity to discuss the survey results, as well as to identify measures that will improve and maintain a healthy work environment. The follow-up meeting should be held before Easter 2022.
  • The survey is conducted every two years.

Who is participating?

  • Everyone whose primary workplace is at NTNU, i.e. staff holding at least a 40 % position at their NTNU unit as of 1 September 2021.
  • Employees who have at least 40 % positions in two places at NTNU will respond to the survey where they hold their main position but should be invited to the follow-up meetings in both places.

What are the survey themes?

The main topics being covered are:

  • The individual and work
  • Interaction between managers and staff
  • Communication and participation
  • Collaboration and community
  • Handling of unfortunate/unwanted events
  • Support, interaction, and culture

Note that the questions pertaining to harassment/discrimination will only be reported at the NTNU level. The results will be used in the institutional work to prevent such behavior. Concrete incidents should be reported to and handled by the manager/staff representative. The union representatives and the NTNU Occupational Health Service may also give good advice.


All information will be treated confidentially. It is not possible for anyone at NTNU to identify individuals from the responses.

Follow this link for more detailed information about the survey and the result reports, including:

  • Who is participating
  • Distribution
  • Anonymity and use of the results
  • Reports from the survey

More about the ARK work environment and work climate survey

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