
Unacceptable behaviour- harassment and conflict

If you experience unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment, discrimination or other issues, please see information under.

Topic page: Speak up!

Norsk versjon - Uakseptabel atferd - mobbing og konflikter

Child Pages (3)

  • Sexual harassment

    NTNU has zero tolerance for sexual harassment, sexual abuse and other abuse of power. NTNU must be a safe place to work and study.Here you can find information on how to report sexual harassment...

  • Unacceptable behaviour- harassment and conflict - for employees

    What can you do if you experience unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, sexual harassment, discrimination and other issues of concern? Norsk versjon - Uakseptabel atferd - mobbing og konflikter...

  • Unacceptable behaviour- harassment and conflict - for students

    On this page, you will find information on what to do if you experience unacceptable behavior such as bullying, harassment, discrimination or other censurable conditions. Norsk versjon: Uakseptabel...