
The work environment project at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

In the spring of 2020, Fredrik Shetelig, the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design (AD), commissioned a study of the work environment challenges at the Academy as part of a work environment project, led by people from other parts of the university. The project is limited to encompass the employees at the department and their work environment. The learning environment for the students is not included in this project. 

Norsk: Arbeidsmiljøprosjektet ved Kunstakademiet i Trondheim

You will find presentations from the General meeting on January 29th 2021 where the report was presented on the norwegian version of this page. 

Project mandate: «Map the challenges and establish measures in order to ensure a proper work environment at KiT. The employer has a duty to investigate when suspecting challenges in the work environment, and a responsibility to implement necessary measures to ensure a proper work environment.”

Organization Part 1

The steering commitee:

The project group:

The reference group:

The project consists of two parts, and the organizational structure described above only applies to the first part of the project. The structure of the second part of the project will be determined later. 

  • Part 1: Mapping and condition of the work environment at KiT (COMPLETED)
  • Part 2: Development and implementation of measures

The second part of the project will focus on the implementation of the recommended measures. It will be the responsibility of the leadership to make sure that the measures in this part of the project are implemented.

This part of the project must make detailed intermediate objectives as well as the final objective, with an estimated timetable for completing the different objectives. Regular feedback on the completion and the achievement of the objectives will be necessary. In this part of the project it is crucial to ensure that all affected areas are safeguarded, and that all other relevant development processes at KiT are mapped, in order to ensure that there is no overlap or conflicting interests in developing and implementing measures.

Meeting minutes

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Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Administrativt