

Routines for use of laboratories for master's and bachelor's students at IMA

This page covers routines when students at the Department of Materials Science (IMA) are using laboratories.

Innholdsfortegnelse [-]


  1. Normal working hours at IMA's laboratories are 07:00 to 19:00. It is desirable that as much laboratory work as possible is carried out when it is possible to get help from technical personnel if the student needs it.
  2. The microscopy laboratories and XRD are not subject to restrictions.
  3. If there is a need for extended access to laboratories/instruments etc., please
    a) contact the supervisor who decides whether the nature of the work indicates that extended access is necessary.
    b) Send an email to the head of department with reasons for the extended access. The head of department approves and ensures extended access.
488 Visninger
Målgruppe: Studenter
ima xrd