
Technology and...

Rooms with technology for recording and streaming

Norsk versjon: Undervisningsrom tilrettelagt for opptak og videostrømming

Topic Page: Plan, administrate and evaluate teaching

This page is about rooms that have been equipped with various technologies for online teaching. The pages describe the tools and teaching technologies available in each teaching room, along with features like directions, 360° views, room booking information, and links to practical and pedagogical details about the room.

Teaching Rooms Sorted by Campus

Teaching Rooms Sorted by Technology

General Information for All Rooms

  • Turn on and use the microphone in the room. Remember to unmute. This is critical for recording your voice.
  • Remember GDPR. Students and third parties have the right to proper handling of personal data. Learn what information you're required to provide here.
  • Repeat questions from students; no microphones are placed to capture audio from students.
  • In rooms with a dual-projector setup, it's recommended to display the same content on both projectors. (Recording is done only from one projector, as indicated on each room's page.)
  • For technical assistance in the classroom, contact the Orakel service (735) 91 500 or refer to the local number on the podium.

General Information for All Rooms with Panopto

  • The Panopto recorder in the room relies on scheduled automated recordings. This means you need to order an automation/scheduling plan for the specific room you're teaching from. The Learning Support Section handles setting up the automation. Click here to order automated recordings.
  • All recordings start 15 minutes past the hour and last for 45 minutes.
  • If the lecture ends early, you'll need to edit the recording in Panopto.
  • Recordings are published in both Panopto and Blackboard.

General Information for All Rooms with Zoom Rooms

If you use Record to Cloud, the recordings will be published in Panopto under My Folder > Meeting recordings: Note: You might be asked to enter your email address to ensure videos are sent to the correct location.

General Information for All Rooms with USB Connection

These rooms can vary significantly in terms of local setup. However, they all allow you to use software to record either on your own laptop or on the auditorium PC.

Webinar booths

Most campuses now have at least one webinar booth. These rooms are equipped with high-quality camera and audio technology, Zoom capabilities, whiteboards, and green screens. They can be used to create teaching videos, podcasts, or for digital teaching. Learn more about the webinar booths.


For assistance, get in touch with the Section for teaching, learning and digital services (SLD) via NTNU Help.