
Purchases under 100 000 NOK

This page is for employees who need goods and services with an estimated value below NOK 100 000 excl. VAT. Always use the purchase request form.

Norsk: Bestilling under 100 000 kroner

Topic page: Purchasing | Pages labelled with Purchasing

Guidelines for purchases under 100 000 NOK

Acquisitions with an estimated value below NOK 100 000 excl. VAT are exempt from the procurement regulations, cf. section 2 of the Public Procurement Act. Each procurement should nevertheless follow the basis for all purchases to the greatest extend possible: be based on competition, predictability, transparency and verifiability.

It is important for the employer to handle these purchases responsibly, so that the public has confidence that the public sector carries out all procurements in an appropriate manner and ensures competition and efficient resource utilization. It may make sense to tender bids from several suppliers to ensure the most advantageous use of resources and to avoid corruption.

NTNU’s contract catalogue must always be checked in advance to see whether a framework agreement is in place that can be used for the procurement.

Define purchasing needs

Specifications must be prepared for all orders by the employee requesting the purchase by using the purchase request form.

  • What is the need/functionality requirement?
  • Describe the desired characteristics of the item or service.
  • Wherever possible, identify a minimum of three (3) potential suppliers.

The form must contain the following accounting information: K-sted, project number and analysis number.

Prepare request

After receiving the purchase request form, the orderer prepares a purchase request.

  • If you want to use templates for the request, use the templates for purchases between NOK 100 000 and 500 000.
  • Set the tender deadline.
  • If necessary, conduct a supplier search.
  • Send tender request to a minimum of three (3) suppliers.

Selecting a supplier

After receiving bids from the suppliers, the requester and orderer must evaluate the bids based on the order specifications. The choice of supplier is made after assessing the needs described in the request.

Compose a brief rationale for the supplier selection.

NB: Check any potential conflicts of interest for the purchasing representative and requester.


The requester and purchasing representative negotiate any contract terms with selected supplier. Negotiation results are noted in writing and must be archived.

Award of contract

Notify the chosen supplier of their selection and send a tender decline letter to the other bidders.

The rejection letter must contain a brief rationale for the choice made.

Order item or service in the ordering system

The purchasing representative (local orderer) must submit a request in the ordering system. Requests and tenders are attached to the order. Documents on the choice of supplier and the other supplier bids are attached as internal documents.

See also


Contact your local orderer. For additional questions, contact the Finance Department: