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Norsk versjon: Innkjøpere - kontaktinformasjon

  1. Faculty of Architecture and Design
  2. Faculty of Humanities
  3. Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  4. Faculty of Engineering
  5. Faculty of Medicing and Health Sciences
  6. Faculty of Natural Sciences
  7. Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences
  8. Faculty of Economics and Management
  9. NTNU University Museum
  10. Joint administration
  11. Special units
Faculty of Humanities (HF - 62) Purchaser
Faculty of Humanities
Music Bjørn Stene
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE - 63) Purchasers
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Åse Belsvik | Guri Schjølberg | Kathrine Huke
Departement for Computer Science Marit Helene Liabø-Kottum (Trondheim) | Cathrine Øverberg Larsen (Gjøvik)
Department of Mathematical Sciences Tanja Opheim
Department of Electric Energy Silje Berg | Regine Ness
Department of Engineering Cybernetics Samad Jamder | Linda Belsvik Johansen | Anne Sunniva Bratsberg Nygren
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology Pål Sturla Sæther | Linda Derawi
Department of ICT and Natural Sciences (Ålesund) Øyvind Andre Hanken | Anders Sætersmoen | Amela Paro
Department of Electronic Systems Sima Moradi | Ragnar Woldseth
Faculty of Engineering (IV - 64) Purchaser
Faculty of Engineering - adm
Marine Technology Dorota Wesoly
Energy and Process Engineering Marianne Trælnes
Structural Engineering Toril Aune Rørvik
Geoscience and Petroleum Wenche W. Finseth
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering Elin Guldbrandsen Drevik
Manufacturing and Civil Engineering Mary Hailemariam
SFF Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems Dorota Wesoly
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (MH - 65) Purchaser
Ordering unit at MH
Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV - 66) Main purchaser Purchaser
Faculty of Natural Sciences Vebjørn Langseth Vebjørn Langseth
NV Electronics Workshop Erling Kristiansen  
NV Mechanical Workshop Øystein Gjervan Hagemo  
NV Glassblowing Workshop Astrid Salvesen   
Department of Biology Bente Uhre Halvorsen Kjersti Rennan Dahl
CBD-SFF Lisbeth Pedersen  
Department of Biotechnology and Food Science Ann-Sissel Ulset  
Food Sciences Group Ann-Sissel Ulset  
Centre for Digital Life Norway - BIOTEK2021 Ann-Sissel Ulset  
Department of Physics Tone Sanne  
Department of Chemistry Roger Aarvik  
Department of Chemical Engineering Christopher Sørmo  Merethe Christensen Vadseth | Thao Tran Røvik  
ICSI - SFI Christopher Sørmo   
SUBPRO - SFI Christopher Sørmo  
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Solveig Louise Sørli Jonassen Anne-Grethe Nilsen
Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science Lill Anny Gunnes Grøseth  
Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund Heidi Engstrøm Linda Katrin Myren Vada
NTNU Nanolab Knut Håvard Raen Sturla Haltbakk
NTNU Sealab Kjersti Rennan Dahl Sturla Haltbakk
NTNU FF Gunnerus Sten Terje Falnes Sturla Haltbakk
Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (SU - 67) Purchasers Requisitioners
Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences Nina SimonsenHeidi Thorvaldsen | Maria Therese Bergan Rita Kristensen
Department of Geography   Rita Hokseggen
Department of Sociology and Political Science   Aud Marit Lervik | Mari Tinmannsvik
Department of Psychology   Tom Knudsen
Randi Helen Myhre | Ena Bajgoric | Lise Horntvedt | Christian Dillner Hagen 
Department of Social Anthropology   Rita Hokseggen
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning    Line Sumstad
Department of Teacher Education   bestiller@ilu.ntnu.noAnett Eksund OppedalRenate Lund 
Department of Social Work   Kari Rodahl
Faculty of Economics and Management (OK -60) Main Purchasers  Purchasers
Faculty administration   Astrid Margrete Aasum
NTNU Business School Randi Leikvold  
Department of International Business   Veronika Rask
Department of Economics   Laila Bergsrønning Øyangen
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (T) Grete BjørganKjell Anders Johnsen Alexandrina Remizova | Øyvind Jakobsen
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (EiT)   Gunhild Gylland
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (G)   Line Merete Holen
NTNU University Museum (VM - 31) Purchasers
NTNU University Museum Anna Gulla | Nargiza Stenvoll
Joint administration (10 - 17) Purchasers
NTNU Joint (receivables balance and uncertainty margin) Inger Lian
Rector Inger Lian | Bente Nordbø
Rectors Staff Inger Lian
Board Inger Lian
Vice-Rector Ålesund Inger Lian
Property and operations section, Ålesund Inger Lian
Operating units, Ålesund Inger Lian
Vice-Rector Gjøvik Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Property and operations section, Gjøvik Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Operating units, Gjøvik Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Pro-Rector for Research and Dissemination Inger Lian
Pro-Rector for Education Inger Lian | Bente Nordbø
Pro-Rector for Innovation Inger Lian
Director, Organization and Infrastructure Inger Lian
Universitetsavisa Bente Nordbø
NTNU University Library Stein Borud | Astrid Dalåmo Letnes |
Education Division Bente Nordbø
Section for teaching, learning and digital services Anita Monsø Wiggen | Jan Roger Johansen
Unit for FS and Exam  Anita Monsø Wiggen | Jan Roger Johansen
Unit for Conferences Birgit Gladsø | Anne Knutsen
Conference activities Birgit Gladsø | Anne Knutsen
Unit for Learning and Technology Anita Monsø Wiggen | Jan Roger Johansen
Unit for Learning Environments and Scheduling Anita Monsø Wiggen | Jan Roger Johansen
Section for quality in education and learning environment Bente Nordbø
Unit for lifelong learning Birgit Gladsø | Anne Knutsen
Office of Admission and International Relations Bente Nordbø
Education Section in Gjøvik Bente Nordbø
Education Section in Ålesund Bente Nordbø
HR and HSE Division Bente Nordbø
HR - NTNU Section Bente Nordbø
HR Section, Joint Administrative Units Bente Nordbø
HSE Section Bente Nordbø
Payroll and HR-services Section Bente Nordbø
Communication Division Bente Nordbø
Graphics centre Marius Skaug Stokke
IT Divison Ann Kristin LjøkjellTorbjørn Gustafson | Tove Merete Pettersen
IT Division System Requisitioners Joachim Håvåg | Kristin Bye | Nils-Arild Grav | Arild Johansen | Torkel Salberg | Elisabeth Nyland | Bjørn Arne Lian
IT Campus Gjøvik System Requisitioners Paal Børre Sveum | Kim Flood | Daniel B. Kristensen
IT Campus Ålesund System Requisitioners Steinar Otto Sjøholt | Knut Fjørtoft | Andreas Fjørstad Hole | Oddbjørn Aasen Nordstrand
Development and Governance Division Inger Lian
Section for Archive and Documentation Management Inger Lian
Section for organisational and service development Inger Lian
Digitalisation team Kristin Brevik Antonsen | Ann Kristin Ljøkjell
Organisational and Leadership Development team Bente Nordbø
Project and Process Development team Bente Nordbø
Section for Security and Preparedness Bente Nordbø
Section for Governance Inger Lian
Financial Division Inger Lian
Governance Section - Joint Administrative Units Inger Lian | Bente Nordbø
Procurement and Purchasing Section Inger Lian | Bente Nordbø
Accounting and Project Economics Section Inger Lian | Bente Nordbø
Property Division Bente Nordbø 
Property Management Section Kristin Hergot | Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Property Maintenance Section Siv Karin Pettersen Stenmann 
Property Service Section Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Management, operation, maintenance, and development (FDVU) Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Sustainable Property Development Section  Bente Nordbø | Inger Lian
Maintenance and development (VU) - Project Bente Nordbø 
VU - SEU Bente Nordbø 
VU - Buildings, electrical, HVAC, security and service, landscaping Siv Karin Pettersen Stenmann
Property Division Staff Kristin Brevik Antonsen
Research, Innovation and External Relations Division Inger Lian
Campus Unification Unit Kristin Brevik Antonsen | Bente Nordbø | Inger Lian
Special units (35) Purchaser
The National Centre for Science Recruitment Guri Schjølberg



If this list needs to be updated, please report this to your local web-contact (in Norwegian).

For other questions, please contact the Finance Division by e-mail: