PhD forms - IV - Kunnskapsbasen
PhD forms - IV
PhD forms for Faculty of Engineering.
Norwegian version: Doktorgrad - skjema - IV
How to progress with your PhD work?
Integrated PhD
- Information about integrated PhD (only in Norwegian)
- Regulations concerning the philosophiae doctor degree (PhD) at NTNU with supplementary regualtions for IV
- NTNU's PhD Handbook - Quality in the PhD Education
Cotutelle - joint supervision
Getting started
Application for admission to PhD (docx)
- Agreement concering admission to PhD (ABC agreement)
- Application for integrated PhD part 2 (doc)
- Application for individual study syllabus (doc ) (dot)
- Template for project description (pdf)
Midterm evaluation
Dr. philos
- Application for assessment of dr.philos thesis (doc)
- Regulations concerning the dr.philos degree at NTNU
Evaluation forms for assessment committee
- Appointment of assessment committee (Norwegian only) (odt)
- Guidelines for the Assessment of Candidates for Norwegian Doctoral Degrees
- Assessment of PhD thesis from comittee to candidate (doc) (odt)
- Subject for trial lecture (odt) (editable pdf)
- Examination result form for IV (doc) (odt)