
PhD - forms

This page provides forms for the PhD process.

Norsk versjon - Doktorgrad - skjemaer

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Faculty-specific forms

Most faculties at NTNU have their own forms to be used in the PhD process. If you do not find what you are looking for at your Faculty's web page, there are some back-up forms at the bottom of this page.

Alternative forms

Alternative forms to use if your Faculty does not have a dedicated form.These should only be used if your Faculty does not have its own form.

  1. Application for admission doc | odt | pdf
  2. Agreement concerning admission to PhD programme (pdf)
  3. Individual study syllabus doc | odt | pdf
  4. Application for assessment of PhD thesis doc | odt | pdf
  5. Author's agreement (pdf)
  6. Co-authorship
  7. Subject for trial lecture doc | odt | pdf
  8. Examination result form doc | odt | pdf
  9. Acceptance to serve on evaluation committee doc | odt | pdf
  10. Template for cotutelle agreement: doc | odt | pdf