
News and news production

Guidelines communications employees working with news at NTNU. Applies at NTNU News ( and Describes news criteria, format requirements for articles and who has access to publish.

På norsk: Nyheter og nyhetsproduksjon

What type of news is published where

The head of communications at your unit decides whether the case has news value and where it should be published. It varies on each unit who has this mandate and have access to NTNU News, so feel free to talk to one of the staff at the faculty if you are unsure.

  • Internal messages: Message channel on Innsida (NTNU's intranet)
  • Internal news of external interest:
    • Message channel on Innsida (NTNU's intranet)
    • Assess NTNU News and (events, book launches, seminars, dissertations)
  • External news: Contact relevant media, consider writing a case for NTNU News and (events, book launches, seminars, dissertations) and possibly to relevant accounts on social media.
  • Research news: Public dissemination. Gemini (NTNU and Sintef research news), blogpost on NTNU News or tipped off to the relevant (professional) media. Alternatively, NTNU News if the case does not fit the Gemini format.
  • Professional dissemination: User-oriented dissemination. Blog (employee/student writes himself).

Press releases: In the few cases where a press release is relevant, this can be added to the news solution and distributed to the relevant press. As a rule, the press is tipped off directly.

The main page for news: Not all articles will be on the main pages NTNU News Norwegian and English version, many cases will only be added to the solution to be available for sharing in relevant channels.

News criteria

Articles published on NTNU News must follow these news criteria:

  • Interest: The content must be interesting or useful for external parties outside NTNU.
  • Actuality: The content must have just happened or not become known until now.
  • Incidents: Inform about major, serious incidents.
  • Examples of matters: Larger allocations of money, numbers of applicants and student surveys, awards and appointments, new study offers, new digital services, important government visits, business cooperation, cultural cooperation, major agreements, responses to criticism, important decisions regarding campus development.

Be careful: NTNU is careful about mentioning commercial and political actors who want visibility in NTNU's channels. This also applies to actors NTNU has cooperation agreements with, see:Content from external actors in NTNU's channels (in Norwegian only).

Checklist for good content

Everyone who has rights to publish on NTNU Nyheter is engaged in news dissemination. Nevertheless, here are some tips for designing content. Among other things, we must follow guidelines for the universal design of online content and safeguard privacy.

  • All technical terms and abbreviations must be explained.
  • Use intermediate titles - and remember the correct heading level.
  • Link texts must be specific.
  • Link to employee profile page.
  • Show last edited date. If the content of the case changes, what has changed must be written explicitly at the bottom of the case.
  • Contact points/persons must be stated where it is natural.
  • Provide sources.
  • Quotation marks are written like this – (ALT + 0150 on PC).
  • Check how the case looks on mobile.

Pictures and video

  • Photos must be rights-cleared, privacy consent has been given, and the photographer must be stated.
  • Images must have alt text.
  • Adjust the image size.
  • Use images in landscape format.
  • Captions are often read, often highlight a main point or add value to the case.
  • Don't overload the cases with embedded videos. Should work for readers on mobile and 3g.

Guidelines for NTNU news

Access to publish news stories

It is the Communication division that has the opportunity to grant rights to be able to publish news items. Contact the communications manager for your unit to assess access.

If you are unsure who to ask, you can submit a case to NTNU Help (you can find us under Administration in NTNU Help).

Who makes which cases

  • If the matter concerns
    • one faculty/one unit, the case is in principle made locally.
    • two or three faculties, these will collaborate on the matter, possibly agreeing on who takes responsibility for the matter.
    • the whole of NTNU or has great news potential, people in the Communications division will assist in the production or prepare the case.
  • News in Gjøvik or Ålesund is in principle produced by the Communications division's employees on these two campuses, and in close collaboration with the faculty/department/subject group.
  • If a faculty wishes to create its own version of a joint case (for example, a separate case about its own meritorious lecturers), this can be published in the news solution, but it is the joint case that remains on the main page.

Edit the main pages

The editorial staff in the Communication division prioritizes and edits content on the main pages at and

Editorial responsibility

The responsible editor is Sigrun Berge Engen, NTNU's head of Communication division.
Daily follow-up of news: Sigrid Moe, contact via form in NTNU Help.


You can contact the editors via the form in NTNU Help.

External parties can contact ntnu via email
See also: Press contacts at NTNU.

We respond to all inquiries continuously and as soon as we can.

Remember to avoid personally sensitive information in e-mail.

693 Visninger

Child Pages (1)

  • How to blog on NTNU News

    Do you have an idea for a blog post? NTNU News offers a blog service for employees who wish to write generally and popular-scientifically about research, applied subjects, education, and...