
Mobile phone and internet coverage

This page contains application forms and information on how NTNU can cover mobile phone and internet expenses for you.

Norsk versjon - Slik dekkes mobil- og bredbåndtjenester

Topic page on telephones | Pages labelled with telephone

Criteria for receiving mobile phone coverage

First, ask your leader if you are eligible for mobile phone coverage. NTNU covers tools such as mobile phones if they are necessary for optimal job performance. This is not meant as a perk or extra salary.

Your employer may cover the purchase of a new mobile phone if three years have passed since last time you received a mobile phone, and your leader agrees that you have valid reasons for purchasing a new telephone.

NTNU covers the cost of purchasing a new mobile phone. If the employee pays the mobile subscription fees and NTNU pays for the new phone, the phone purchase is considered a taxable benefit.

Additional equipment such as handsfree sets and car accessories are not covered.

Calling and data expenses are covered up to 500 NOK including VAT per month. Make sure that you use one of the service providers under NTNU’s purchase agreement.

If you have been allowed both a mobile phone and a tablet, total expense sum per month is still 500 NOK. For subscription, calling and data traffic costs exceeding 500 NOK per month, discuss with your leader whether these costs will be covered by NTNU or taken from your salary.

Remember to notify the IT department if you quit your job at NTNU or change your subscription.

Internet coverage

If you are allowed internet coverage, you will receive 400 NOK per month to cover your subscription. You can choose any provider and subscription. If you have previously had your internet subscription covered directly by NTNU, you can change to a private subscription with reimbursement from NTNU by contacting your service provider and changing the billing address.

At units where the department has signed a collective contract for the employees, the department will transfer the contract to the individual employee at the next annual renewal. The billing address will then be change. If you don’t wish to continue the contract with the NTNU provider, you may at this point terminate it. You are responsible for finding a new service provider. If a new contract isn’t provided, your right to reimbursement for internet services may be withdrawn.

When you renew your internet contract with NTNU, check for mobile phone coverage if you receive coverage. This is so that all contracts for electronic communication mediums appear on one form.

If you have already terminated your NTNU internet subscription, you will receive 400 NOK per month from the date of termination. Documentation should be sent to your local leader as described in the following section.

Apply for mobile phone and internet coverage

To receive mobile phone and internet coverage, you must fill out this contract (in Norwegian) and hand it in to your leader.
(Contract for Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (in Norwegian).

The start date for internet coverage should be specified in the contract, and a copy of your contract with your internet provider should be attached. Without this information, the Personnel division can’t give you internet coverage.

Taxes on mobile and internet services

Employees with service phones receive 4000 NOK per year for one electronic communication medium such as a mobile phone, and 6000 NOK for further electronic communications.

Certain services are taxed separately. These include:

  • Four digit numbers in the interval 1850 - 1899 (information services)
  • Information services, donor hotlines and similar numbers in the 820 series
  • Entertainment services in the 829 series
  • SMS/MMS services with 4 and 5 digit numbers

These services are taxed based on the actual cost that the employee pays for these services.

When you receive support for your internet subscription, this doesn’t count as one electronic service, but as part of your salary.

  1. If you receive cell phone coverage with standard taxing rules in addition to internet coverage, the yearly amount reported to the Tax Administration will be reduced from 6000 to 4000 NOK.
  2. Internet coverage i taxable income. It will appear as a separate line on your pay check and in your tax deduction statement.

Also see

The Tax Administration's webpages on mobile phone taxes(in Norwegian)

Separate guidelines for the Public administration

Guidelines for the Public administration (in Norwegian) (From 01.01.2017 - the amount limit for the purchase of new mobile is no longer valid)

Specific information for employees of the NT faculty

At the NT faculty you can choose between:

  1. Sending your internet bill to NTNU.
  2. Paying yourself, but receiving a reimbursement by fill in out the contract found on this page.