
Help your employees find housing

All NTNU departments can get help from NTNU's Boligformidlingen to help their employees find housing. Helping foreign researchers has first priority.

Topic page on New at NTNU | pages labelled with housing

Norwegian version: Hjelpe ansatte med å finne bolig


  • Start the process of looking for housing during the recruiting or reception phase for your new employee.
  • People who are searching for housing can read more about the process on this page.
  • The applicant sends his or her application electronically to the department via eLydia Bolig.
  • The departments check applications in accordance with their own department housing guidelines ngs (but see below for more detail on how to check housing applications).
  • The Boligformidlingen will respond to the applications in keeping with guidelines for the provision of housing (pdf, in Norwegian).
  • The normal turnaround time is 4 weeks, of which one week is given to departments so they can double-check their employees' online housing applications. 

Application checks

  • Log in to eLydia Bolig
  • Check to see if the applicant is an NTNU employee or guest researcher with an invitation from NTNU
  • Add the k-sted/prosjektnummer if the department is going to cover housing costs, or the costs of using the Utleiemegleren AS housing service.
  • Write a brief description of the application's priority kort behov for prioritering

Prioritizing applications

Here are the criteria used to prioritize applications for the rental of NTNU's housing and housing from the NTNU/SINTEF Boligstiftelsen (Housing Association):

  1. Foreign employees with accompanying family members from countries with a visa requirement.
  2. Foreign employees with accompanying family members from non-Nordic countries that do not have a visa requirement.
  3. Foreign employees without accompanying family members from countries that have a visa requirement.
  4. Foreign employees without accompanying family members from non-Nordic countries that do not have a visa requirement.

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Boligformidlingen at

Boligformidlingen is a part of the HR division's "NTNU International researcher support" programme.