
HSE - Health safety and environment at IBM

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Local guidelines and resources regarding HSE - Health, safety and environment for employees at IBM.


HSE coordinators at NTNU

Safety representatives

Safety representatives: Bent Lervik
Deputy: Torbjørn Nerland

Safety representative: Vegard Westerfjell
Deputy: Martine Sulen

Useful links

Link to HSE coordinators - Kunnskapsbasen - NTNU.

Self-help resources:
Health, environment and security at NTNU
Speak up!
HSE Guidelines NTNU
HSE Forms
Field Cards for IBM
Report deviations, unwanted events or suggestions for improvement (Extend)
FIRE Instructions and Evacuation Area Managers

Safety representatives - tasks

The main task of a safety representative is to represent the staff in matters concerning health, safety and the environment (HSE) and to protect their interests in such matters. Safety representatives focus on prevention and health-promoting work.

The safety representative shall:

  • Represent the interests of the employees in matters concerning the working environment (health, environment, and safety).
  • Ensure that the operations are organized and maintained appropriately.
  • Contribute to ensuring that work is carried out in a manner that safeguards the safety, health, and welfare of the employees in accordance with the provisions of the Working Environment Act.

Safety representatives and union representatives have two different roles. The safety representative’s role does not include involvement in dismissal cases, personnel matters and pay disputes.

Read more about the safety representatives tasks

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