Fire safety - Øya - Kunnskapsbasen
Fire safety
Fire safety - Øya
This page contains fire safety information for Øya campus.
Main page Fire Safety | Topic page on emergency preparedness
På norsk: Brannvern - Øya
Fire regulations with meeting place information
- General fire instruction for NTNU (at MTFS and Øya helsehus)
- Sameiet St. Olavs hospital (hospital buildings)
- Elgeseter gate 10
- Øya helsehus, Mauritz Hansens gate 2
- MTFS - del 1
- MTFS - del 2
- IKOM(old information - new will soon come)
Important information in case of an emergency
- Acute help
- St. Olav Brannvernleder: Øyvind Thoresen tlf. 951 06 545 |
- St. Olav teknisk vakt: 995 84 151