
Financial support for student volunteering

Here you will find information on how to apply for financial support for student volunteering.

Norwegian version - Økonomisk støtte til studentfrivilligheten

Financial support for student volunteering

About the support scheme

The funds will contribute to the academic and social integration of all students, including those of us with special needs, such as international students and students with disabilities. Much of this integration occurs through student volunteering. The support scheme has been created to give student organizations at NTNU a chance to plan activities that are not already within the organizations' set framework.

Economic framework

NTNU's scheme for support for student volunteering has a limit of 1,450,000 NOK per year. Of this, 150,000 NOK has been earmarked for AktivCampus NTNUI, and 180,000 NOK for Management in Practice.

Criteria for allocatin funds upon application

  • The organization must be a cross-faculty student organization affiliated with NTNU
  • The organization must be registered as a non-profit organization with an organization number in the Brønnøysund Register. For organizations that are not registered in the Brønnøysund Register, a maximum allocation of funds is set at NOK 10,000
  • Support is granted for events that contribute to the academic and social integration of students. The event must be aimed at students at NTNU
  • Short-term operating support can be granted
  • A budget for the measure for which funds are sought must be submitted


NTNU has more than 2,000 students with disabilities. Among these are students who are visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically impaired, students with various psychological disorders, and students with different functional impairments. NTNU wants to encourage awareness of the importance of universal design and accommodation and will therefore prioritize funding for those who make events and activities accessible for all. NTNU will prioritize support for events that take into account the needs of this group. The application must include a description of how the funding will contribute to including students with disabilities, and how their needs are already being met.

What is not supported through this scheme?

  • Support is primarily not given for recurring events. This support scheme is intended to support new initiatives and further development.
  • There is no support for alcohol or events where alcohol is served
  • Support is not given to party political associations or other associations with activist purposes
  • Activities outside Norway
  • Support is not given for equipment for personal ownership

Requirements for recipients of support

  • The recipient of support undertakes to report to NTNU if the support cannot be used for the purpose stated in the decision. NTNU will then decide whether the support can be reallocated to another purpose or if it must be returned to NTNU
  • Decisions cannot be appealed

Requirements for content in the application

  • Letter of application with information about the organizations, purpose and what support is sought for
  • The organization’s name, organization number, account number and contact information for the person responsible for the application.
  • Budget for the event for which support is sought
  • How much money the organization has on its bank account
  • Applications that lack content may ultimately be rejected based on formal errors
  • Overview of other sponsors for which support is sought

Application deadlines

Application deadlines are once each semester, on the 1st of March and the 1st of September.

How to apply for funding

Application is marked with Application «Name of organization» Support for student volunteering and sent to, remember attachments.

 Apply for funding


Questions or comments can be sent by e-mail to Nora-Marie Brattebø,