Erasmus Plus funding - Kunnskapsbasen
Erasmus Plus funding
Summary page about Erasmus+, the EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport.
Current calls listed below are for: 2025. See a complete overview at HK-dir's webpage
The programme guide can be found here.
Information in Norwegian: ErasmusPluss programmet 2021 til 2027
Innholdsfortegnelse [-]
- Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
- Cooperation partnerships
- Small scale partnerships
- Alliances for innovation
- Capacity building
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees
- Jean Monnet activities
- Other Erasmus+ actions:
- NTNU’s internal application procedures for Erasmus+ applications
- Info for the application
- Contacts
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP)
Support for arranging short courses related to the Erasmus+ programme
BIP is an Erasmus+ tool that makes it possible to gather students and employees from other Erasmus+ institutions at NTNU to parttake in learning activities.
- A physical gathering of between 5 and 30 days and a virtual gathering that can be completed before, during or after the physical part. The duration of the virtual event is not set.
- Must be arranged between at least three institutions from tre member states of the EU and/or associated third countries to the Erasmus+ programme.
- Number of participants: Minimum 15-20. These may be students or employees. Participants from the organizing institution do not count. Participants must parttake in both the virtual and physical gathering.
- The gathering must give at least 3 ECTS for participating students
- The programmes does not need to be part of the students' study programme, but must give credits (at least 3 ECTS as mentioned above)
The coordinator recieved 400€ per participating Erasmus+ student and employee.
Particpants who qualify for Erasmus+ stipend will receive stipend for travel and stay to this event from their home institution.
The application is simple and you will receive support from the NTNU Unit for International Relations in this process.
If interested, contact:
Cooperation partnerships
Flexible projects for cooperation with partners from European countries. Project duration: 12 to 36 months. The primary focus of a cooperation partnership is the exchange or development of innovative practices.
Cooperation Partnerships is the equivalent of Strategic Partnerships in Erasmus 2014-2021.
Application deadline: 5 March 2025
HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Cooperation partnerships
Equivalent call exists for sports
Small scale partnerships
Short projects for the exchange of good practices and network building. Project duration: 6 to 24 months. The projects have simpler administrative requirements than the Cooperation Partnerships. This action is perfect for newcomers to the programme and only require two partners.
Application deadline: 5 March 2025
HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Small scale partnerships
Equivalent call exists for sports
Alliances for innovation
Projects that aim to contribute to the development of innovative education supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in education and enterprises.
Application deadline: 6 March 2025
HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Alliances for innovation
Capacity building
Projects aimed at raising the quality of higher education in partner countries outside the EU. These projects must focus on capacity building, either at the institutional level or at the system level.
Application deadline: 6 February 2025
HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Capacity Building
Other capacity building actions:
- Capacity building in vocational training
- Deadline: 28 February 2025
- Capacity bulding in sports
- Deadline: 22 March 2025
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees
Establishment of high-quality joint master programmes. The degree must be offered by a consortium consisting of at least three higher education institutions from three countries, of which two are programme countries. Note that applications from academic groups at NTNU must be sent to the Unit for International Relations by the Internal NTNU deadline, not the 'Application deadline'
Internal application deadline NTNU: TBA
- Application deadline: 13 February 2025
- Internal procedures / Contact info: Internal procedures for Erasmus Mundus
- HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degrees
Jean Monnet activities
Relevant for academic environments at NTNU that provide teaching or research in European integration and that contribute to introducing a European perspective in programmes of study offered at NTNU. You can apply for support for teaching programmes/training and teaching positions in European studies.
Application deadline: 12 February 2025
HK-dir webpage (Norwegian): Jean Monnet activities
Other Erasmus+ actions:
- Sports
- Future-oriented cooperation projects
- Deadline: 15 March 2025
- Centres of Vocational Excellence
NTNU’s internal application procedures for Erasmus+ applications
All Erasmus project applications must be registered in this form from the Unit for International Relations well ahead of the deadline.
When NTNU is project coordinator, the Declaration of Honour must be uploaded in the form above for signing by the Pro-Rector for Education
When NTNU is project partner, the Mandate must be uploaded in the form above for signing by the Pro-Rector for Education
A copy of Authorization lettermust be enclosed when someone else than Pro-rector signs the Declaration or Mandate.
Info for the application
- NTNU’s PIC code: 999977851
- NTNU's OID number: E10209399
- NTNU’s Legal Representative: Pro-rector Marit Reitan
Guide to writing applications
The Unit for International Relations must be kept informed about planned project applications. The EU advisers at the Unit for International Relations provide guidance for project managers during the application process; our advisers have expertise in principles and priorities in the Erasmus+ programme. Due to limited capacity, any inquiries must be sent well in advance of the application deadline.
For applications for centralized initiatives (knowledge alliances, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master or capacity building projects), the Unit for International Relations can - in addition to providing guidance itself - put the project manager in touch with relevant advisers at HK-dirwho have expertise in providing guidance for such project applications.
Useful links
- NTNU Unit for International Relations, NTNU, Trondheim: Wolfgang Laschet
- NTNU, Ålesund: Anne Ulla
- NTNU, Gjøvik: Mina Stolpe Foss