
Create a timetable

A timetable is a useful tool to help describe all the details of an event.

Norsk versjon - Lag kjøreplan for konferansen

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How to make a time table

Type of information useful to include in a timetable:

  • Main events and talks.
  • List of participants with names, titles, location, phone, email, role, etc.
  • Estimation of the time spent on transport to and from the event (walking and driving)
  • Preparation of AV equipment (sound and light).
  • Time for questions if you have invited journalists, or if you will allow the audience to ask questions.
  • Time for interviews and pictures.
  • Location: Include a link to a map/Google Maps/MazeMap. See the page about Maps and rooms for inspiration.
  • Make illustrations showing what is happening where if there are several rooms.
  • An overview of who does what.
  • Duration of activities.
  • Comments.

It can be easier to keep track of all the information if you sort it into different tables based on the type of information.

3592 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Konferanse