
Back pay

Back pay may be paid to you after an increase in salary or after you are issued a new tax card. Any back pay owed to you will be paid with your salary.

Norsk versjon - Etterbetaling

Topic page about salary | Pages labelled with salary

Increase in salary after negotiations and adjustment settlement

New salaries will be determined and paid out as soon as possible after the settlement has been reached.

Back pay from the previous year

Back pay from the previous year is reported to the tax authorities for the year of payment. The tax deduction is determined by the tax card applicable for the year of payment.

Back pay following new tax card

If you have been issued a new tax card with a rate that is lower than the previous one, a new tax rate will be applicable based on the date on which the tax card goes into force.


Please contact your unit's human resources manager for questions about back pay.

Updated 13.04.18

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