
Internal awards...

Award for education quality

The award for educational quality belongs to the strategy area education and learning environment in the NTNU strategy.

Norsk: Prisen for utdanningskvalitet – ansattpris

Overview: Internal awards for employees

Purpose of the award

The award for quality of education shall be a recognition of work to develop and offer education at a high international level. The award is to be an inspiration for others and help to further develop the quality of education and to reward the development of education that promotes students' learning.


The award criteria

  • an academic environment that has worked to promote students' learning and raise the quality of education at NTNU
  • development work that is rooted in and has resulted in lasting changes in courses and / or study programmes
  • a professional environment that can document how students, employees and other relevant actors have collaborated in planning, implementation and follow-up of the development work as well as what effect this has had on learning and educational quality.

The nomination must contain a description of how the development work meets the criteria above (maximum two pages).

Internal awards for employees 2024

Propose candidates for the award for education quality by TBA

Proposals for award recipients are submitted by at least three employees / students. Check the description of each award for justification of proposals. Some awards have specific requirements as to documentation of results. No signatures are requires, but when you send in the proposal by email to the contact person for the award, we ask that you copy the proposers.

See also the page NTNU Employee Awards.

The awards ceremony takes place in - TBA

How to select the proposals

The Pro-Rector for Education appoints a selection committee consisting of three members.

Former recipients of the award


Ellen Kathrine Fossvoll, Senior Adviser, Education Quality Division