
Automatic graded question types in Inspera - for academic staff

This page contains a guide to automatically marked questions in a digital school exam using Inspera Assessment.

Norsk versjon: Automatisk rettede oppgaver i Inspera - for vitenskapelige ansatte

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Common traits for automatically marked questions

  • The questions are automatically marked based on the predefined settings and correct answers. It is possible to override the automatic marks during grading.
  • For most of the automatically marked question types it is possible to insert multiple identical elements. This can make a question more complex as more correct answers are needed in order to get full marks. To do this, click the "Insert"-button in the top right corner of the question editor:
  • The correct answer(s) are highlighted with a green circle/checkmark

Scoring / marking

On all automatically marked question types you can give

  • marks for correct answers
  • marks for wrong answers

You can award both positive and negative marks, and Inspera support up to two decimals. Marks for correct and wrong answers are settings that applies to each question element in a question.

Scoring: Individual marks per alternative

For all multiple choice question types in Inspera (multiple choice, multiple response, drop down and true/false) you can customize the marking by setting individual marks per alternative.

To use this option, check the box "By alternative" in the Marks-tab in the right menu. This will make the marks already set per correct and wrong answers redundant (the boxes are no longer clickable).

Screenshots of how to customize the marking.

To set the individual marks per alternative, click the answer box with the alternatives. In the menu on the right you will now see a number under the green bullet point which marks the correct answer(-s). By clicking the number you can define the individual marks per alternative. You can set negative marks and use up to two decimals.

Screenshot of how to set individual marks per alternative.

Scoring: Marking questions with multiple elements

As an author you may want to include multiple question elements in a question. That means that you add e.g. several multiple-choice questions in the same question. Doing this gives some more options with regards to marking the question, but it also has some effects you must be aware of.

We recommend having only one element per question, as it is better for the candidate and easier to manage as an author.

In the marks menu on the right you have three options besides marks per correct and wrong answers:

  • Marks for unanswered
  • Marks for all correct
  • Minimum marks

These three options apply to the question as a whole, not each individual element.

Marks for all correct gives you the possibility to reward candidates who give correct answers to all elements of a question. If you have a question with four elements, each worth one mark you can choose to give those who answers correctly on all four an extra mark. Please note that in that case you need to put 5 in the rubric for all correct, not 1.

Minimum marks gives you the possibility to define how negatively affected candidates should be for answering one or more elements in a question wrong. This is only relevant if you have defined negative marks per wrong answer. To avoid a candidate proceeding with the exam with several negative marks you can e.g. set minimum marks as 0. Even if a candidate answers every element wrong, and each element is worth -1 marks, the candidate would still only get 0 marks from the question.

Predefined feedback per alternative

For the question types multiple choice, multiple response, inline choice and true/false, you as author can predefine feedback per alternative. The planner (administrative staff) can activate the setting which makes the feedback available to the candidates after the test is finished. Candidates can either receive feedback on all alternatives or only the alternative they have chosen. To see the view as planner, see the wiki page Opprette prøve i Inspera Assessment - for administrativt ansatte (Norwegian only).

To add feedback, click the alternative pane, then "Add feedback".

Screenshot of how to predefine feedback per alternative.

Write the feedback in the textbox. To expand the textbox, click and drag the bottom right corner of the box.

Screenshot of how to expand the textbox.

Use the "Check answer" function when previewing the question to see how the feedback is shown to the candidates.

Multiple choice questions - one correct answer

Screenshot of button for multiple choise.

Write your question text above the answer box:

Screenshot, put your question above the answer box.

Click on the answer box, and you will get the following picture, where you can add all the alternatives in the menu on the right side:

Screenshot of menu bar on the right side for adding alternatives.

The alternatives can be plain text, LaTex or images. You can choose this from the upper-most drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu below you can choose to show the alternatives either vertically or horizontally.

Add more alternatives (by clicking “Add alternative”), or fewer (simply cross out the ones you do not want). By default the first alternative is registered as the correct alternative.

If you select images as your alternatives you will see this menu:

Screenshot for how to add images.

Click Upload image to upload an image from your computer.

Under “Options” you can choose to randomize the alternatives.

To assign score marks to your question, click “Marks” on the top right side of the menu panel:

Screenshot of how to assign score marks.

Multiple response questions - several correct answers

Screenshot of button for multiple response.

Write the question text above the alternatives:

Screenshot of where to put the question - above the alternatives.

You can assign score marks to your question: Click “Marks” on the top right side of the menu panel, as in the question type above.

Click on the answer box and you will see the following image, which allows you to add the alternatives in the list to the right:

Screenshot of menu to the right for adding alternatives.

Add more alternatives (by clicking “Add alternative”), or fewer (simply cross out the ones you do not want). By default, the second and third alternative are registered as correct.. Under “Options” you can choose to randomize the alternatives.

Text entry

Screenshot of button for text entry.

In this question type, the student is asked to enter a word or short sentence in a text field. The correct answer may be one or several words in the right order:

Screenshot of entering a word or short sentence in a text field.

By clicking the answer box, a menu will appear on the right hand side:

Screenshot of the menu that appear on the right side.

Under “Correct answers” you can add the right answer(s). You can define several alternatives (remember to consider also adding synonyms of the right answer, or to account for spelling mistakes).

In “Options”, you can choose to ignore or consider case sensitivity or ignore whitespace. Click “close” when the right answer(s) are added.

In the menu on the right side, you will get the following choices, just like for all other question types in Inspera:

Screenshot of the menu on the right side with different question types.

Under "Advanced" you may decide whether only unique answers should be allowed. 

Numeric entry

Screenshot of button for numeric entry.

This question type allows the candidate to fill in a number in a numeric field. The right answer can be a certain numeric value, like a specific number or a number that belongs to a predefined numeric interval. The method of defining the correct answers and marks is the same as for the Text entry question type.

When defining the correct answers, note that Inspera doesn't understand that 0,5 and 1/2 is the same answer. This question type works best if the answer is a specific number, or a number within a range, that cannot be written any other way. If you want to accept fractions you must add them to the list of correct answers.

Screenshot of how to add fractions.

Math entry

Screenshot of button for math entry.

This question type is similar to the two question types above (Numeric entry and Text entry), however with mathematical expressions instead of words or numbers. The method for defining right answers, score marking etc. is the same.

Screenshot of how to define the right answers.

The answer in this question type is written in LaTeX, but is immediately compiled so the candidate will see only the mathematical expression/formula.

Inline choice

Screenshot of button for inline choise.

This question type presents the candidate with several alternative answers from a dropdown menu, where only one of the alternatives is the correct one. This is essentially the same question type as multiple choice, there is only a visual difference. By placing several dropdown menus in a text, the right answers will render the whole text logical/correct.

Screenshot of how to add several alternatives.


Tips for how to use the inline choise by adding more elements.

  • This question type works especially well if you add more elements that together makes a sentence. This increases complexity as the candidates have to navigate a series of "crossroads" in order to successfully complete the question.
  • This is how such a question could look:


This question type presents the candidate with two alternatives, where one of them is correct.

To define the answer alternatives, click “Alternatives”. The answer marked with a green bullet point will be defined as the correct one:

Screenshot of how to define the answer alternatives.

In “Options”, you can choose to let the alternative answers be randomized.


  • True/false questions can easily be a bit too straight-forward and not differentiate between candidates. Thus it is best suited to basic knowledge. Often a multiple choice question can cover the need in a better way, as more distractors increases complexity.
  • You can increase complexity by adding similar-looking elements.


Matching questions consists of a table, as shown in the illustration below. The candidate should match the alternative in each row with the correct column. The question text is placed above the table.

Screenshot of how the candidate match alternatives.

By clicking the table, you will get a menu on the right side:

Screenshot of menu on right side.

Under “Prompt” you can add an instructional text which will replace the sentence “Please match the values”. “Rows” and “Columns” give you the possibility to add or remove rows and columns. In “Options”, you can decide to randomize the alternatives. Define which answers are the correct ones by clicking on them when making the question.

Drag and drop

Screenshot of button for drag and drop.

The drag and drop question type allows the candidate to drag elements and drop them in predefined drop-fields. Enter your question text in the field above the answer box:

Screenshot of how the candidates can drag and drop elements.

The drag-elements can be pictures and/or text. The drop field can be a picture or simply a field. Make the question by adding a background, a drag-area and a drop-area. Create the relation between these fields by clicking on the drag-element, and then click the corresponding drop-element. If you click on the answer-box, this menu will emerge as a panel on the right:

Screenshot of menu to create relation between fields.

Under “Prompt” you can define a text in the answer box. “Background” lets you add a background picture. Under “Drag areas” and “Drop areas”, you can add or remove one or more of these areas. In “Options” you can define the function and behavior of the objects in this question type.


Screenshot of button hotspot.

The candidate answers this question type by selecting one or more hotspots on an image.

When clicking in the answer box, you can define the correct answer(-s):

Screenshot of menu for defining the correct answers.

You can define several correct hotspots, and you can choose whether the spot should be rectangular or circular.

“Background” lets you add a background picture which will appear in the question box.

In “Hotspots” you define the areas/spots.

There are two ways of using this kind of question:

  • You add one or more hotspots and the candidate has to click on a point in the illustration without seeing the hotspots you have defined.
  • You add one or more hotspots, and all the spots are visible for the candidates. It is up to the candidate to mark the right spot(s).

Inline gap match

Screenshot of button for inline gap match.

In this question type, the candidate is asked to place one or more tokens correctly in a text. The tokens can be either (1) plain text, (2) rich text and mathematics, or (3) images. To set up the question, click the marked box. You will get the following options:

Screenshot of options for setting up questions.

  • Distractors - distracting tokens
  • Options
    • Position of tokens
    • Order of alternatives
    • Reuse of alternatives

To set the text/images for the tokens, click the token and select Correct answers. Enter the correct answer in the lowermost text box or by uploading an image if you have chosen to show the tokens as images.

To add more tokens, use the Insert-button.

Graphic text entry

Screenshot of button for graphic text entry.

In the Graphic Text Entry question type the candidate must enter words/short sentences in one or more text boxes placed over a background image.

Write the question text and click Background to add a background image.

Screenshot of how to add background image.

A new menu will appear when you click the text box that says "oppgave". This menu allows you to define the correct answers. To add more text boxes, use the Insert-button. Drag and drop the text boxes to the desired location.

Screenshot of menu that allows you to define correct answers.

The "Options" tab lets you select if Inspera should be case sensitive and/or ignore whitespace when marking the answers, just as in the "Text entry" question type.
