
Apply for study carrel - Dragvoll

All master's students at Dragvoll can apply for a study carrel through our application form.

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Please use our online application form to apply for a study carrel


  • Autumn: 25 August, 11:59 pm
  • Spring: 25 January, 11:59 pm

Even though you had your own study carrel the previous semester, you must re-apply each semester. Late coming applicants will be put on the waiting list.

All enquiries about the assignement and use of study carrels and reading rooms should be directed to your departement. Enquiries about reading rooms interiors and indoor air quality should be directed to

Guidelines for study carrels at Dragvoll

1. Scope:

These rules apply to reading rooms with individually assigned desks for master's degree students.

2. Applications and contact information:

To apply for a reading room desk, use the application form. Students in need of a specially adapted reading room desk should instead contact the Disability Office («Rådgivningstjenesten for studenter med funksjonsnedsettelser»), email: The student's special needs must be documented.

Students who are assigned a reading room desk must confirm their acceptance and intention to use the desk.

All enquiries about the assignment and use of reading room desks should be directed to the reading room coordinator at the relevant department.

Enquiries about reading room interiors and indoor air quality should be directed to e-mail:

Students who are assigned a reading room desk must inform the reading room coordinator at their department about any changes in their academic situation.

3. Who may apply?

Only active, registered master's degree students at NTNU are eligible to apply for a reading room desk. Normally, reading room desks can be assigned for up to four semesters. Deviations from this are decided by the relevant department, e.g. for part-time students.

4. Application deadline:

There is an application deadline at the start of each semester. The deadline is announced at Here you will also find information about the acceptance deadline for a reading room desk. Students who submit their applications after this deadline remain on the waiting list until the next application deadline. The waiting list is deleted at the start of each new application round. To be eligible, a student must apply again each semester.

5. Ranking criteria for reading room desks:

  • Applicants are ranked according to master's degree student seniority at NTNU. Students with the highest seniority are given the highest priority.
  • In case of ties with respect to seniority, students currently writing their theses are given priority.
  • In case of ties with respect to the above criteria, priority is decided by drawing lots.

Applicants that are not assigned a reading room desk will remain on the waiting list until the next application deadline. Reading room desks that become vacant during this period are assigned consecutively to applicants on the waiting list.

Departments may decide that one reading room desk should be shared between two students, e.g., in the case of part-time students, students with regular days of absence, or when there is a shortage of reading room desks.

6. Use of reading room desks:

Reading room desks are intended for academic work.

Everyone must be quiet in the reading room. Conversations of any kind, including telephone calls, must take place outside the reading room. Students who use PCs in the reading room must ensure that others are not disturbed by this. «Keyclicks» and other sounds must be turned off. Mobile phones must be set to «Silent» or «Meeting».

Desks and reading rooms must be kept tidy.

Desks should be empty of books, papers etc. when not in use by the student assigned to the desk, so that they may be used by other students. (This does not apply to specially adapted desks for disabled students where e.g. special equipment makes use by others impractical.)

7. Absence:

Reading room desks may be used by other students when the student assigned to the desk is absent. Afterwards, desks should be left as they were before use.

If a student assigned to a reading room desk intends to be absent for more than two weeks, the department's reading room coordinator must be notified. If a period of absence lasts more than four weeks, the reading room desk assignment may be revoked and the desk is then assigned to another student.

8. Reading room representative:

A reading room representative should be elected for all reading rooms with individually assigned desks. More than one representative may be elected for reading rooms with more than twelve desks, e.g., one for each faculty or department represented in the reading room.

The reading room representative should:

  • Receive and forward messages about the reading room from the reading room users.
  • Notify the department's reading room coordinator about problems related to the reading room.
  • Notify the department's reading room coordinator about desks that are not used.
  • Ensure that these rules are posted in a prominent place in the reading room.

9. Responsibility, complaints and sanctions:

NTNU is not responsible for items left in reading rooms, so students are advised not to leave valuables (e.g., PCs, wallets) unattended in reading rooms.

Complaints related to reading rooms are to be sent in writing to the department's reading room coordinator via the reading room representative.

Reading room users who violate these rules may be given one warning by the department. In the event of new violations, the reading room desk assignment may be revoked and the desk assigned to another student.

10. Disabled students:

In principle, these regulations apply to everyone, but based on consultations with the Disability Office, disabled students may be granted exemptions from specific provisions as required.

Fire instructions: All users of NTNU's study carrels are obliged to read the fire safety information.

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