Retirement and retirement policies for employees
Retirement at age 67
Working after age 67
Early retirement
Apply for early retirement (avtalefestet pensjon - AFP) before 67 years (different rules based on year of birth).
Disability pension
Apply for a disability pension because of an illness or injury.
Calculate your pension
Pension deductions
As an NTNU employee, you are deducted two per cent of your salary for contributions to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
Pension guidance
Please see the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund's web pages
The Norwegian National Insurance Scheme's basic pension amount
The basic pension amounts (in Norwegian)- NAV
Seniors' course
Preparations for retirement (in Norwegian) -- a class for all employees who are older than 60.
Useful links
- Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund
- NTNU's senior policies (in Norwegian)
- "Senior days" – extra holiday days
- Pensioners' Association NTNU (in Norwegian)
- Pensioners' Association for former HiST employees (in Norwegian)