

Uniped - pedagogical basic competence

NTNU's program for pedagogical basic competence - 200 hours

Norwegian page

Uniped spring 2025

Registration will open 16 October. Deadline: 1 November

Trondheim: Registration for English group

Gjøvik: Planned spring 2025 (language not yet decided) - Registration for Gjøvik

Ålesund: Planned spring 2026 (language not yet decided)

If we get more applicants than available places, permanent employees with teaching duties will be prioritized.

Information about the Uniped-program

Requirements and scope of the program

Overview of the program

The scope of the program is a total of 200 hours. The workload is divided into 110 hours in the first semester and 90 hours in the second semester. The first semester consists of an introductory part with meetings and self-studying between each of these, collegial coaching and an educational development project. In the second semester, participants can choose between different modules and the program is completed through a final reflection task.

To pass the program, participants must be present at all meetings and complete all activities related to these, as well as complete the collegial coaching and educational development project. Several of the work requirements are closely linked to your own teaching and it is therefore a requirement that you have teaching during the period you participate in the program. It is assumed that the participants are employed at NTNU throughout the program and have the necessary access to Blackboard.

The development program comprises 200 hours of work and covers the requirements in the Regulations for employment and promotion in teaching and research positions: It is therefore important that participation in the program and how it is integrated with other duties at the department are discussed and agreed upon with the immediate supervisor (ref. Personnel regulations for scientific positions, part III - 7.3b).

Themes for the individual meetings will be published prior to each meeting.

Meetings introductory part spring 2025

Trondheim (English group)Gjøvik
Meeting 1 - 9:00-15:45Tuesday 21 JanuaryThursday 23 January
Meeting 2 - 9:00-12:00 Tuesday 4 FebruaryThursday 6 February
Meeting 3 - 9:00-12:00Tuesday 18 FebruaryThursday 20 February
Meeting 4 - 9:00-12:00Tuesday 18 MarchThursday 20 March
Meeting 5 - 9:00-12:00Tuesday 1 AprilThursday 3 April
Meeting 6 - 9:00-12:00Tuesday 29 AprilThursday 8 May
Meeting 7 - 9:00-15:45Tuesday 27 MayThursday 5 June

The meetings are planned as physical meetings.

We recommend everyone to set aside some time in their calendar to meet with their collegial coaching group before/after the half-day meetings (2-6).

Optional modules – part 2 of the program

The modules for part 2 of the program are announced in the beginning of the semester on the wiki-page for optional modules.

Overall intended learning outcomes

The central vision of the program is for participants to develop a critically reflective approach to teaching, tutoring, learning and assessment (UVLV). For a more detailed overview of the overall intended learning outcome please see: Learning outcomes in English

Literature and course material

Available in Blackboard after the start of the program.

Contact information

Phone: 73 59 52 69


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Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: Pedagogisk støtte
uniped pedagogy