The Art Forum at NTNU - Kunnskapsbasen
The Art Forum at NTNU
The arts are a vital part of NTNU’s distinctive profile and identity. We have art environments with a leading position in their field – it is important to make them visible and create opportunities for them to develop.
Norsk versjon: NTNUs Kunstforum
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Art in NTNU’s strategy
In NTNU's strategy 2018-2025 Knowledge for a Better World (in Norwegian), art is one of five core tasks, and three development goals have been set for artistic activities:
- Developing art of documented high quality in an international context
- Strengthening artistic development in schools and in society
- Continuing to develop the interplay between technology, science and society
The strategy points out how NTNU’s academic environment for higher education in the arts and artistic research, develops and studies the relationship between art and society, and further develops the relationship between art, technology and science. NTNU has a unique starting point for creating interdisciplinary synergies across academic environments, with a distinctive profile compared with other educational institutions in the field of art, both nationally and internationally.
Goals until 2025
The Art Forum is working towards the following goals until 2025:
Better framework conditions for the development of our communities in the arts
- The framework conditions for the arts will be strengthened internally at NTNU and, together with national partners, a strengthened plan for national funding will be developed.
- The doctoral programme in artistic research will contribute to strengthening artistic research at NTNU through a robust number of candidates with an artistic background.
Strengthened internal, external and interdisciplinary collaboration
- NTNU will create the conditions for greater collaboration across the arts and across internal boundaries between disciplines in the arts, technology and science.
- The link between practice-oriented and profession-oriented subjects aimed at society and schools has been strengthened.
- NTNU will be a driving force for the development of outstanding art environments through extensive externally funded and other collaboration with nationally and internationally leading players in the field of art.
- The arts will be deeply involved in interdisciplinary and action-oriented research projects aimed at the UN’s sustainability goals and global challenges, especially by exploiting the opportunities in Horizon Europe.
Visibility and communication
- Artistic research must have a framework for registration and documentation internally, nationally and internationally, aimed at making its social impact visible
- NTNU will put artistic research on the agenda and contribute to the public debate on what kind of research needs to be addressed in today's challenges.
Based on the goals in NTNU’s strategy, the Art Forum will prepare analyses and promote specific measures for the strategy period up to 2025. Measures will be developed in close collaboration with the academic communities involved.
About the Art Forum at NTNU
The forum has initially been appointed until the summer of 2025. The forum meets about 4-6 times a year.Once a semester, a status report on its work is given to the Research Committee.
Members of the committee appointed by the Rector are
Chair: Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes, Pro-Rector for Innovation
- Eli Støa, Vice Dean of Research, AD
- Terje Lohndal, Vice Dean of Research, HF
- Jesper Petersen, Vice Dean of Research, SU
Secretary: Gro Lurås, Research, Innovation and External Relations Division