
NTNU Alumni email

Norsk versjon: NTNU Alumnimail

What is Alumni email?

Alumnimail is an offer to current and former students and employees at NTNU.

With an Alumni email account, you can create an e-mail address in the form This address / account can be kept for as long as you wish, and it works regardless of whether you have an ordinary connection to NTNU.

Log in to your alumni email account

Create an alumni email account

Order an alumni email account

Frequently Asked Questions

Connection of own e-mail program

Incoming server:
Incoming port: 993
Incoming encryption: SSL / TLS
Incoming username: username (without @
Outgoing server:
Outgoing port: 587
Outgoing encryption: STARTTLS
Outgoing username: username (without @

Password issues

From the turn of the year 2018/2019, Alumnimail has its own independent user database that is used for authentication. In addition, NTNU's ordinary user database is used as long as you have an active NTNU connection. If you end your ordinary NTNU connection, you will be deleted from NTNU's user database, and thus only the password that is in the Alumnimail user database will work. If you do not remember this password, then the Oracle service must be contacted (see contact form above). Since the turn of the year, the Alumni organization has been working on a new portal solution (, and when this is in place, Alumnimail can hopefully be linked to the portal's user database again.

Exceeded quota

When creating an Alumnimail account, a quota of 2 GB is set. How much of the quota has been used is shown at the bottom left of the webmail. If the quota is exceeded, incoming emails will be returned to the sender. You will also have problems moving and deleting emails. Get in touch if you need a larger quota.


In webmail, it is possible to set up automatic forwarding to an external address. Please note that forwarded emails may be exposed to the spam filter of the remote system. It would therefore make sense to let the forwarding keep a copy of the emails in Alumnimail. In order for the copies not to cause you to exceed the quota, you should log in to Alumnimail once in a while to delete.


Fill out this form if you need support with Alumni email.

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