

LAOS – Course-specific modules

See also: Uniped

This page contains important information for departments and teachers who are organising the course-specific modules that are part of LAOS.

About LAOS

LAOS consists of three parts 1) core modules (8hrs), 2) online modules (6hrs) and 3) course-specific modules (6hrs). The core modules and online modules are organised by the Department of Educational Development (Uniped), while the course-specific follow up is organised at each individual department. The core modules and online modules give a general introduction in pedagogics and didactics and is collectively organised for all LAOS participants. The course-specific part, on the other hand, is directed towards the field of study and the tasks that the learning assistants are involved in at each of their departments.

About the course-specific part

The purpose of having a course-specific part of LAOS is so that the learning assistants will have a continuous follow-up and support throughout the semester, be invited to discuss course related challenges and be included in a pedagogical community/team together with teachers and other learning assistants. Uniped recommends that the following learning outcomes should be considered in the course-specific part of LAOS:

After completing the course-specific follow up the learning assistant should:

  1. have developed a consciousness towards course-specific challenges so that they can contribute to student learning
  2. have actively participated in the pedagogical team and in discussions about quality enhancement
  3. have gained experiences and knowledge that are seen as useful in their further studies and in future employment

The departments can choose how to organise the course-specific part as they see fit for their context. Some choose to gather all learning assistants for a collective course-specific part, while others do this individually where each teacher does the follow-up with the learning assistants in their course. It is up to the department to consider what solution is most suitable for them, however, the purpose and directions of the course-specific part must be overheld.


  • at the beginning of the semester there is to be a first meeting where teacher/department and the learning assistant clarify tasks and expectations for the semester.
  • Through the semester the department/teacher is going to follow up the challenges that the learning assistant is experiencing in the work
  • By the end of the semester there is to be an evaluation where the learning assistant receives feedback on his or her contribution in the course and on the development as a leaning assistant.

Suggestions for implementation

Uniped suggests a structure where the course-specific modules are organized in three parts:

  • Part 1 – First meeting (ca 1 hrs)
  • Part 2 – Follow-up (ca 4 hrs in total – can be split up)
  • Part 3 – Final evaluation (1 hrs)

The structure is a suggestion and may be altered if the department/teacher sees other solutions that are more suitable. The meetings can be converged or split up as seen fit. The course-specific meetings do not need to be organised as formal lectures or seminars but can rather be based on discussion and cooperation in the pedagogical team.

Denne strukturen er kun et forslag, og det er helt i orden å velge andre oppdelinger dersom dette er mer hensiktsmessig. Møtene behøver ikke å være lagt opp som et undervisningsopplegg eller et pedagogisk kurs, men er heller ment som en oppfølging til diskusjon og samarbeid mellom de involverte.

What are suitable topics for the meetings?

Uniped has made a document with suggestions for how to fill the meetings with relevant content. These are suggestions made to support you who have the responsibility of arranging the course-specific modules for your learning assistants. The suggestions are quite open so that you can adjust them to your specific field and the learning activities that you have a tradition of using. Feel free to get started with the course-specific modules as soon as possible, even before the learning assistants have started with the other LAOS activities which is usually in March/September. For instance, it might be a good idea to have some of your meetings before the learning assistants start with their tasks.

Course-specific modules - suggestions (PDF)

Confirmation of attendance

For Uniped to send out the course certificates for LAOS we need you to confirm that your learning assistants have completed the course-specific modules. This can be done in either of two ways 1) the learning assistant collects signatures from department/teacher in a sheet that they themselves deliver in Blackboard, 2) the department/course teacher can send an e-mail to Uniped with the names of the learning assistants that have attended.

Confirmation of attendance (PDF)

Uniped suggests deadlines for the course-specific modules. This is so that the learning assistants may receive their certificates in time to use them in their applications for next semester. However, the deadlines are always flexible so that you can finish the course-specific modules as you see fit.

The learnings assistants will receive their certificates by student e-mail when they have completed all LAOS activities.

Deadline spring 2025

The deadline for sending the confirmation of attendance form to Uniped is April 25th. The course certificates will be sent out to the participants’ student e-mail after the deadline.

Most learning assistants want to use their certificates in their applications for next semester. Therefore, we strongly recommend that the course-specific follow up is completed within the deadline.