
Practical guide...

Technical support at IMA

Information on technical support available at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (NV) is organized by the three locations:

If you need training or help, look for the correct person to contact below. You can also find the instrument responsible on the instruments asset page in BookitLab. Different instruments belong to different cores.

K1 & K2

Technical staffResponsible instrumentResponsible labLab courseResponsible IMA coreOther
Eli Beate Larsen FACET, BETTechnical leader IMA, scales
Elin H. AlbertsenBET, Pycnometer,freeze dryerK2-107
(Realfags building: B2-100, B2-114, B2-117, B2- 123, B2 - 129, B2-169)
TMT4110 - General Chemistry
TMT4115 - General Chemistry
TMT4171 - Introduction to Materials Science
TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Safety representative, hazardous waste contact, refill LN2(main contact)
Anita B. OlsenPSD, Rotavapor, milling equipment, pressing equipment, ArchimedesK2-011, K2-004TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry HSE
Shannen Thora Lea SaitICP-MSK2-313, K2-008TMT4130 - Inorganic Chemistry Demo, PC responsible, reference electrode
Johannes OfstadFTIR, Raman, SPS, PLD system, DSA, MST, XRFK2-014, K2-119, K2-321, K2-323TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and ElectrochemistrySPM, PLDTechnical coordinator K2, Swagelok, gas work, deputy safety representative, access, keys, workshop requisition, ethanol
Elvia Anabela PanduroXRDK2-113TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry
TMT4301 - Materials Characterization
TKP4190 - Fabrication and Applications of Nanomaterials
XRDRadiation coordinator
Constantinos HatzoglouAtom ProbeK1-U001 Atom Probe
Henrik NessICP-MS, AFMK2-003, K2-018, K2-035 SSB
Marthe FolstadPotentiostat, battery cyclerK2-413, K2-223, K2-201TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry
TMT4285 - Hydrogen Technology, Fuel Cells, Batteries and Solar Cells
TMT4255 - Corrosion and Corrosion Protection
TMT4253 - Electrochemical Process and Energy Technology
TMT4122 - General and Organic Chemistry, Laboratory Course
ElectrochemistryMetal wire storage, RDE
Solveig Louise Sørli Jonassen K3-storage Ordering, storage, access
Pei Na KuiHigh-temperature furnaces, glove boxes, deputy for TGS, DSC & DilatometerK2-032B, K2-125, K2- 225, K2-419TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry Gas coordinator, Swagelok, alumina storage, Platina storage, refill LN2
Sergey KhromovSEM, GDMS, GDOESK2-034B, K2-307TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and ElectrochemistrySEM
Andrey KosinskiyGrinding & polishing equipmentK2-022, K2-032A Metallographic consumables
Martin OppegårdTGA, DSC, Dilatometer, CIP. RheometerK2-103 Refill LN2


Technical staffResponsible instrumentResponsible roomLab courseResponsible IMA coreOther
Yingda YuSEM, TEM, EDS, EBSDF-361, F-369TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry
Morten RaanesOptical microscopy, SEM, EPMA, EDS, and WDSF-390 Miracle on demand
Sergey KhromovSEM, GDMS, GDOESF-375, F-362, F-368
Pål SkaretMechanical testing, extrusion, high-pressure torsion, ECAP, rolling, XRFA-K047, E-S004, E-S008, E-112TMT4171 - Introduction to Materials Science FysMet leiested, access, keys
Marit OddenMechanical testingM-116, M-00 (Ubåten)TMT4171 - Introduction to Materials Science Sample storage, consumable storage, information meeting AGv, administrator Teams channel AGv
Johannes HavmoOil baths, salt baths, muffle furnaces, cutting machines, etching, electropolishing, light microscopyA-441, A,443, E-508, E-514, E-514A, E-520IMAK6002 - Metal alloys and mechanical properties
IMAK6003 - Light microscopy and the microstructure of metals
TMT4171 - Introduction to Materials Science
TMT4166 - Experimental Materials Chemistry and Electrochemistry
TMT4215 - Casting
TMT4240 - Microstructure and Properties of Metals
TMT4301 - Materials Characterization
MT8219 - Applied Electron Microscopy
EVU, Safety representative, Hazardous waste contact, safety equipment (lab coat, safety glasses), metallographic consumables
Dmitry SlizovskiyIF 75, Blue furnace, TopCast furnace, Cold crucible, Muffle furnaces, Crushing-sieving equipment E-K007, E-K013, E-K020, M-108, M-115, M-118, M-121, M-134, M-130a, A-341 Gas, gas detectors, gas analyzing equipment, Drager tubes, consumable storage, safety equipment(gas, small particles, heat)
Ivar Andre ØdegårdBA muffle furnace, TF1, TF2, TF3, AlTF1, Suction Custer, Melt spinner, Resina furnaceE-118, E-120, E-214
Audun Mostad3D printersE-120b Electrical workshop
Irene Bragstad(SINTEF)HF-etching


Technical staffResponsible instrumentResponsible labLab courseOther
Liv Anita Nonstad T03.331 Generell lab., T03.352 EterromTKJE1002 - General Chemistry
IMAK2002 - Inorganic Chemistry
TKJE1007 - Organic Chemistry and\\Biomolecules 1
IFYKJT1002 - Physics/electrochemistry
TKJE3001 - Bachelor Thesis Chemistry
Hege SundgårdAutoklavBiotechnology/organic chemistry lab
Trine Barstad Instrument labIMAK2008 - Instrumental analysis and biopolymers
IMAK2004 - Analytical Chemistry
TKJE1002 - General Chemistry
TKJE1006 - General Chemistry
Hilde Indstad Guest labTKJE1002 - General ChemistryHazardous waste contact
Marit Odden IMAK6002 - Metal alloys and mechanical properties
IMAK6003 - Light microscopy and the microstructure of metals
IMAK2010 - Material Properties and Use
IMAK2011 - Material Testing and Characterization
IMAK2012 - Material and Process Selection
IMAK2013 - Corrosion
TMAK3001 - Bachelor Thesis Materials Technology
Andrey KosinskiyHardness testing
Tensile testing
Corrosion chamber
UV chamber
3D printers
Sample preparation
Ultrasonic testing
Microscopy XRD
Tribology SEM
Workshop cutting
Material labs, workshopTMAK1002 - Grunnleggende materialteknologi
IMAK2010 - Material Properties and Use
IMAK2011 - Material Testing and Characterization
IMAK2012 - Material and Process Selection
IMAK2013 - Corrosion
TMAK3001 - Bachelor Thesis Materials Technology
Safety representative
Martin Oppegård Instrument labIMAK2008 - Instrumental analysis and biopolymers
1717 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Studenter