Problems while abroad - Kunnskapsbasen
Problems while abroad
It's a good idea to make a list with contact information before you travel in the event of a crisis or problem while you are abroad. You can also check out this list of information about what to do in a crisis (in Norwegian) on the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Norsk versjon - Krise under utenlandsopphold
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Register your travel plans
The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs suggests that you register (in Norwegian) on the ministry's website when you travel. Registration is voluntary and is available even if you are not Norwegians, so long as you currently reside in Norway.
Keep in touch
It is important to contact your supervisor if something serious happens with you or in the country where you are located. Even if nothing has happened to you personally, there might some uncertainty back here in Norway as to whether you are OK or are in need of help. Don't be shy about calling -- better one phone call too many than not enough.
It is also possible that there might be some kind of crisis at NTNU or in Norway. You can use the contact list that is found lower on this page and you can also follow what is happening via the crisis information centre on the university's intranet.
Contact information
NTNU's emergency number is +47 800 80 388. This number is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Securitas. If you should receive a call from NTNU's emergency number while you are overseas, the call will come from the following number: 22 57 73 00. Remember when you call, or you are called, to say who you are, where you are, and why you are calling.
Download free emergency app
Sjømannskirken (Norwegian Church Abroad) offers a free app for Iphone, Android and Windows phones. The emergency app gives you quick access to emergency numbers, your location (GPS), contact information to your insurance company, employer, releatives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the nearest Norwegian Church Abroad.
Download the app today: iPhone | Android | Windows.
Here's more information about the app (in Norwegian)
Other useful contacts:
- Sjømannskirken, the Norwegian Church abroad: +47 95 11 91 81
- Norwegian Embassies abroad
- Your supervisor at NTNU
- Your faculty at NTNU
- International Researcher Support
- Your contact person at your host institution