
Problem reporting system

Guidelines for professional staff who need to work with the problem reporting system.

Norsk versjon - Avvikssystemet for saksbehandlere

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Log in to the problem reporting system

Start the process

  • Determine if you have a HSE problem
    • The definition of an HSE problem is: "A lack of equipment or other material, or a situation that could result or has resulted in harm to people, the environment or materials."
  • If the situation is not an HSE problem, write a decision and cancel the problem report. You are done!
  • Approve the report if it is an HSE problem and you are the correct case officer.
  • Send the deviation to the correct, responsible unit if the deviation is reported to the wrong unit. Deviations are handled by the unit where the person reporing the deviation belongs. Note that if you change the responsible unit, the deviation will be registered there. If you only register another person responsible for handling the reported discrepancy, the discrepancy will still belong to the unit that it was first sent to.

Recommend a response

  • Evaluate the consequences of the problem before you suggest a reason behind the problem and measures to respond to it.
  • Suggest all necessary actions to address the problem report
    • If the Campus Services Division should be involved, suggest an action that includes the text "Reported to e-vaktmester". You should not transfer HSE discrepancy or actions directly to employees in the Campus Services Division. Instead, create an action in e-vaktmester and make it clear in the report that the issue involves an HSE discrepancy. When the case is closed in e-vaktmester, you can document it in the system (RiskManager) and close the discrepancy.
  • It is important that the suggested actions be given to the correct individual who can actually execute them.
  • Take the actions for which you yourself are responsible.

Send actions to the appropriate safety representative

The safety representative should be involved in the handling of problem reports. List of NTNU safety representatives.

You should always make one of your recommended actions be that the safety representative be responsible for taking action, due to the legal obligation to inform the safety representative of all such problem reports. You should entitle this action "Read carefully and evaluate the recommended actions."

The form and the action should be sent to the relevant internal and external individuals

Problem reports/actions that have to be addressed outside of the problem reporting system

  • Personal information should not be registered in the problem reporting system. The system is designed solely to address the case at hand.
  • Determine whom should be sent a letter or note about the problem report, such as the police, other groups at NTNU, coordinating or other businesses or operations, NAV, the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, or the Norwegian Labour Inspections Authority. If you are uncertain, contact your local personnel or HR contact.
  • All correspondence described above should be handled and archived in ePhorte. If you are uncertain about how this works, contact your local personnel or HR person, or your local document centre.
  • The report can be saved in a pdf format right from the problem reporting system and uploaded to ePhorte.
  • The problem report ID should be registered with the report in ePhorte, and the ePhorte case number should be listed in the problem report (use the comments field).

Problem report/measures for information only (FYI)

  • Determine who should be informed about the problem report, such as other groups at NTNU, coordinating operations, or other businesses/operations.
  • The report can be saved in a pdf format from the reporting system and can be sent as an attachment in an email.

Guidelines for closing a problem report

  • Determine if the actions taken are working as planned.
  • All actions must have been executed.
  • Once these steps have been taken, the case can be closed.

Report problems and discrepancies

The general page to report a problem or discrepancy.

Approved by the HSE director, 7 December 2012 -- HMSRV5401E

4222 Visninger
Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: HMS