
PhD -- academic training

Information about the academic training required for a PhD degree at NTNU. Norsk versjon - Doktorgrad - opplæringsdel

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Academic training

PhD candidates must take at least 30 course credits as a part of their academic education. Twenty of the 30 credits must be taken after admission to the PhD programme and must consist of PhD-level courses that are directly linked to the candidate's study plan.

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The different faculties are responsible for determining what should be included in the academic training component of their PhD programmes, along with setting documentation requirements and criteria for determining what is a passing grade for examinations. The faculties also are responsible for the academic training component overall, along with work related to the dissertation. The academic training provided should be at a high academic level in accordance with international standards.  The candidate should:

  • Conduct research of an academic nature
  • Receive training in academic presentation
  • Learn about research ethics
  • Learn about scientific theory and the scientific method

Courses or components that are to be included in the training programme may not date from than 2 years prior to the candidate's admission date. Exceptions to this rule may be granted for professional reasons.

Master's degree courses as a part of PhD training

If a master's level course is to be included in the academic training component for a PhD, the candidate must earn a grade of B or better. The candidate only gets one chance to improve his or her grade in a master's level course.

PhD regulations

Source: PhD regulations for NTNU, §8 (in Norwegian, effective 1.8.2012)