
Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 - Bookings

(Videresendt fra Office 365 - Bookings)

This page is about Microsoft Bookings, an app in Microsoft 365 that makes it easy to plan and manage appointments.

Norsk versjon - Microsoft 365 - Bookings

Microsoft 365 landing page | Pages labeled with bookings

About Microsoft Bookings

Bookings make it easy to plan and manage appointments. With Bookings, you can set aside time in your calendar where others can book appointments through a booking page on the web. The appointments can be predefined as physical or digital meetings. Digital meetings are conducted with Microsoft Teams, and Bookings creates and distributes meeting links. Automated email alerts prevents non-attendance.

In addition to the web app in Microsoft 365, Bookings can be operated from an app in Teams.

Useful for whom?

A user group Bookings has proven to be particularly useful for, are student advisors who want to offer a simple and systematic way for students to reserve guidance, but the app can also be used for other groups that offer services where it may be relevant to reserve time.

Order access

Employees who want to use Bookings can order access via NTNU Hjelp. The app is fairly easy to use, but simple training can be provided on request.

More information

You can find more information about Bookings at Microsoft.


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IT-info: epost og kalender Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: IT-tjenester