
Technology and...

New Digital Learning Management System at NTNU

Here you will find information for all employees and students who are affected by the acquisition of a new digital learning management system (LMS) for NTNU.  

NTNU's agreement with Blackboard expires in October 2024. NTNU has signed an agreement to extend the agreement with Blackboard for a further two years. The Vice-Rector for Education has decided that NTNU will work together with the rest of the higher education sector to choose the same solution. We will therefore be working closely with Sikt - the education sector's service provider.

Norwegian version: Ny digital læringsplattform ved NTNU

Status and latest activity - updated 15.11.2024

SIKT started its procurement projects for educational services in August 2023. See an overview of activities and status here:


Latest news:

Procurement: Testing, evaluation and negotiations are underway. The project is on schedule. 

Introduction NTNU: An introduction project under the auspices of the digitization program is planned. Project organization set autumn 2024.


Time Activity Status
Feb. 2025 Agreement signed in SIKT  
Autumn-25 Test, evaluation and negotiation  
July 5. Offer deadline  
May 2024 New announcement of competition  
11. 4 2024 Competition cancelled  
March-24, 2024 Deadline for submission of offers  
December 21, 2023 Procurement project for LMS initiated  
August 2023 Anskaffelsesprosjekt for LMS igang  
January 2023 SIKT's project report for Innsiktsprosjektet completed and published. You can read the report by clicking on this link.  
July 8, 2024 ontributions from NTNU to the Innsiktsprosjektet in SIKT were submitted. Systematic data collection at NTNU has been completed.  


Tiemline of the project in SIKT (Only in norwegian):

With this new procurement, Sikt and NTNU want a special focus on pedagogy and educational methods and practice. We will not "just" move to a new system, but also reflect and discuss how digital tools can support and motivate throughout the learning process, including assessment and lifelong learning aspects. 

Thanks for alle the input

Many have become involved in the input process on NTNU. 


Premise no. 1: NTNU's agreement with Blackboard expires in October 2024.

Since 2016, NTNU has had an agreement with Blackboard for the digital learning management system Blackboard Learn. 

This agreement expires in 2024, and therefore a new procurement process has been started now. The procurement regulations set out guidelines for the length of contractual agreements. Both the competitive situation and the companies' need for updated systems are taken into account. 

Changing the learning management system is both time-consuming and resource intensive. At the same time, good processes leading up to a new acquisition will give us opportunities for development, increased added value and improved quality in the learning environment at NTNU.

Premise no. 2: Enter into a framework agreement with the rest of the higher education sector.

NTNU made the Blackboard acquisition independently and has managed the system during the period as the only institution in Norway. Most other universities and colleges entered into a joint sector framework agreement through UNIT and signed an agreement with the supplier of the learning management system Canvas. 

Sikt (formerly Unit) will now negotiate a new framework agreement with approximately the same target dates as NTNU. 

Roadmap for the LMS service on Sikt's website

In preparation for a new procurement process, the Vice-Rector for Education has decided that NTNU will participate in the work towards a new framework agreement with the sector, and that we will work actively to ensure that all institutions choose the same solution. 

Premise no. 3: Large parts of the procurement will take place under the auspices of Sikt.

Public procurement follows a standardised procurement process. (See phase descriptions in the picture below.) NTNU has appointed a steering group to follow the procurement until the agreement is entered into. 

Most of the work in the different phases of the procurement process will take place under the auspices of Sikt, but NTNU will be an active party together with the other institutions. To ensure organisational involvement, NTNU has organized a separate project to map and clarify our needs. We aim to contribute fully in the design of the requirements specification to ensure NTNU's needs are met in the best way. 

Information on public procurement.


Timeline and milestones

 Milestone: Decision on Sector Procurement

Apr. 2021 - Jan. 2022
Contract clarifications. Proceedings in UU. Creation of a steering comittee group.

 Milestone: Mapping Report

Jan. 2022 - Des. 2022
Assess needs. Create competitive strategy. Prepare for competition. 

 Milestone: Enter into an Agreement

Jul. 2024 - Feb. 2025
Announce competition. Choose an offer and enter into an agreement.

 Milepæl: Start-up New System

Mar. 2025 - Aug. 2026
Prepare contract execution and use agreement. Testing, piloting and introduction og a new system. 

Process and organization

Status and further work

1. Pre-phase and preparations

Activity to prepare NTNU for new procurement has included:

  • Dialogue with the Section for Procurement and Purchasing 

  • Dialogue with Sikt 

  • Anchoring the process and decisions with the vice-rector 

    • Procedure in the vice-rector's Management Group and the Education Committee 

    • The work is based on decisions made primarily in the following meetings: 

      • 26.04.21: Case in the vice-rector's management group 

      • 10.05.21: Sak i UU

      • 18.10.21: Sak i UU

  • Creating a steering group. This steering group will follow the process up to and including the conclusion of the agreement. 
Steering Group
Department head of the Department for Educational Quality Audun Grøm (leader)
Section chief, Section for IT-management Kari Rannov Bostad
Section chief, Section for teaching, learning and digital services Morten Sørlie
Vice-dean for Education, NV Karina Mathisen
Deputy institute leader, IE Rune Hjelsvold
Consultant, SU Signe Marie Søraunet
Consultant, Academic Administrative Division Marion Iren Larsen 
Project leader, NTNU Videre Haakon Aasprong 
Program leader, the Digitalisation programme Geir Nysetvold
Representative from the student parliament Fredrik Framhus


Phase 2: Clarify needs and prepare for competition 

A project has been launched to ensure the involvement of the organisation and to map and describe the needs of NTNU. There will be activities for relevant user groups/stakeholders throughout the spring. There will be formal activities via faculties, and other relevant academic environments, but also in informal channels.

There will be a focus on ensuring that everyone who wants to be able to provide input and share experiences can do so. The project will submit a report based on these activities to the vice-rector further along in the process. These activities will form a starting point for further requirements specifications. 

Sikt will carry out its own survey of the institutions, and NTNU's internal work will be included here. 

Phase 3: Prepare and conduct competition

Most of the work in this phase will take place under the auspices of Sikt. NTNU aims to be a premise supplier for the design of requirements specification.

Phase 4: Introduction, piloting and training

Prepare to execute the contract and to use the agreement. Contact follow-up. Start-up the new system. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we just continue with Blackboard?

NTNU currently has the Blackboard system Blackboard Learn. Blackboard has otherwise developed a new version called Ultra which is to be regarded as a completely new platform with changed functionality, new tools and changed workflow. If we were to continue with Blackboard, it would only be possible in this new version, so no it is not possible to carry on using Blackboard Learn.

Can we take Blackboard content to a new system?

It will be possible to transfer content from the old to the new system. Details and scope of this depend on which system is chosen and will have to be tested. A number of tools that are connected to Blackboard will be able to be connected to other learning platforms, e.g., Panopto. The course pages will have to be rebuilt, and this will be a good opportunity to re-design content and structure.


Contact the Section for teaching, learning and digital services  for support on digital learning.