
NTNU Alumni Association

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About NTNU Alumni

NTNU Alumni is an international professional network for former students with a degree from NTNU or NTNU’s predecessors. Former exchange students, current students and staff can also become members.

The network has currently about 40 000 members.

Here's how to join

All you have to do register on the NTNU Alumni website. Membership is free.

NTNU Alumni for employees

Academic communities at NTNU have a wealth of opportunities for working together with former students to achieve strategic goals in education, research and innovation.

Examples include work experience for students, bachelor’s and master’s theses, cases and research projects. Alumni also open doors to national and international working life.

The central NTNU Alumni team can help to build alumni activities at faculties and departments. A range of initiatives in partnership with alumni have been tested successfully and can be launched locally at NTNU.

NTNU Alumni for students

Networking pays dividends. As a member of NTNU Alumni, you can benefit from the experiences of others to help you find the right path into the working world.


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