
Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 - Edit or revoke application permissions in the My Apps portal

Edit or revoke application permissions in the Microsoft My Apps portal.

For employees.

Norsk versjon - Microsoft 365 - Redigere eller oppheve programtillatelser i Mine apper-portalen

Topic page about Microsoft 365

When you use work or school applications in the My Apps portal, you often are asked to grant permissions for an app, including permissions to save account information. To keep your data secure, you may want to review and revoke permissions or clear saved account credentials. Removing permissions or accounts may break some app functionality. If you have problems after you remove permissions or accounts, contact Orakel Support Services for help.

You can find how to edit or revoke application permissions in the My Apps portal at Microsoft here.

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Content Management: Type » Veileder IT-info: brukerstøtte programvare Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Tema: IT-hjelp