INCLUDE network - for staff with functional diversity - Kunnskapsbasen
INCLUDE network - for staff with functional diversity
Here you will find information about NTNU’s Network for Staff with Disabilities, Neurodivergence, Chronic Illness and Mental Health Issues.
Norsk versjon: INCLUDE nettverk – for ansatte med funksjonsvariasjoner
What is the INCLUDE @NTNU Network?
INCLUDE is a voluntary group with the aim of supporting all NTNU staff living with or affected by disability, neurodivergence, mental health issues, or chronic illness.
What are our goals?
Our primary goal is to establish an open and confidential space for sharing experiences and support for NTNU staff living with some form of disability or (mental) health issue.
Our secondary goal is to provide a space for brainstorming solutions to problems around university accessibility and awareness, hosting social events for members, and providing resources to the university and its researchers on related issues.
We are collaborating with relevant networks, researchers, unions and leaders to develop and achieve our network's short- and long-term goals.
Who can join?
Any NTNU employee (visiting, temporary or permanent; in Trondheim, Ålesund or Gjøvik) in any university sector (academic, administrative, operational or janitorial) who experiences disability in any form is encouraged to join.
Also, the network is open to care-takers, researchers in disability/health research, and other allies.
How do I join?
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, simply send a quick email to
The network also operates a Microsoft Teams group and a private Facebook group in order to provide an open forum for discussion and to allow members to pass on news of events and campaigns. When you join our mailing list, you will automatically receive an invitation to join our Facebook group and the Teams group. Please use your NTNU email address to contact us so we can be sure you are part of the university. Additionally, we post event updates on our public Facebook page. You can also stay updated about events following us on Innsida.
I’m not disabled, but I’d still like to get involved
We are open to anyone who is an ally of people with disability — meaning, someone who is engaged in the issue of functional diverse inclusion, support and awareness. Check out this article from WeCreateSpace on how to help disabled colleagues feel more included and recognised.
Who are our NTNU/external partner institutions?
At NTNU, we are currently partnering with Robust (the new disabled students’ network at NTNU), GenderHub,DION, and LGBTQ+ Network at NTNU. We are also collaborating with external organisations, such as unions and advocacy organisations, in organising networking events and presentations, which will be announced on Innsida, our Teams group, and SoMe (see chapter "How do I join").
The board
- Network Leader: France Rose Hartline
- Network Co-leader: Julia Kathrin Baumgart
- Network Assistant: Isak Nathaniel Løberg Jacobsen
- Co-funder: Maja Urbanczyk
Anything else I should know?
Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to suggest resources/contacts that could help build our network: