
Gartner agreement

Under arbeid, 28.10.20

NTNU employees and students can access a lot of data and relevant subject matter via the Gartner agreement. Gartner is the leading provider of research and analysis in the global IT industry.

the service is available by searching in Oria, as well as in the database list under Computer Science (IT). They offer research and market research related to IT, and are especially known for "Magic Quadrants" and "Hype Cycles". Data from Gartner have a high societal relevance, and can be used for research.

Log in to Gartner

NTNU employees can use the agreement for this:

Illustration photo of a PC screen and a woman

  • Plan teaching that is relevant and innovative for the business and IT
  • Access data and information to substantiate research evidence
  • Offer material that complements lectures and seminars
  • Explore commercial opportunities

NTNU students can use the agreement for this:

Illustration photo of a book shelf

  • Get access to business cases, studies, trends and expert opinions
  • Understand and stay up to date on available technologies and tools
  • Discover how organizations improve operational efficiency

Read more about how you can use the Gartner agreement in your work/student life