
Checklist for submitting your dissertation

Things to keep in mind as you work towards submitting your dissertation for evaluation and for your trial lecture and defence.Norsk versjon - Sjekkliste for innlevering av doktoravhandling.

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Submit your dissertation

Before you can submit your dissertation, you must have completed the academic training component of your PhD with a minimum of 30 study credits.

You must include the following in your application to have your dissertation evaluated:

  • Your dissertation, in an approved format. The submission must be in accordance with NTNU's requirements, and the format and the number of copies must be in accordance with the faculty's requirements.
  • Documentation that shows you have met admissions criteria  (See PhD candidate regulations, admissions criteria, §5.1 (in Norwegian).
  • Co-author statements, if required under dissertation requirements § 10.1 (in Norwegian).
  • Declaration that the dissertation is being submitted for evaluation for the first or second time.
  • Declaration that your dissertation is not being submitted for evaluation for the first or second time.
  • Declaration that your disseration has not been submitted to another institution for evaluation
  • Statement from your main supervisor

Here is an example of what you can write in terms of authorship in the forward:


I performed all work on which this thesis is based. (Name) contributed significantly to the planning and running of the experiment in paper I, and (Name) and (Name) contributed to the planning of the experiments in paper II, III and IV and where involved in the final stages of writing for all the papers in the thesis

Source: Submission - Guidelines for PhD candidates at NTNU, §13  (currently in Norwegian)English version, Guidelines for PhD candidates (whole document, as pdf)

Apply for assessment of your dissertation

Application for assessment of your doctoral dissertation: doc / pdf

The application must be sent to the faculty with the form that names the members of your committee at least three months before your defence. You must also submit at least five copies of your dissertation in a print-ready form:

  • 3 copies for committee members
  • 1 for your supervisor
  • 1 for the department/faculty as an attachment to the application

You must also submit an electronic copy of your dissertation (in pdf format) to your department.