Apps and mobile services - Kunnskapsbasen
Apps and mobile services
This page contains information on how you can administrate your account on Telia and the following applications from Telia.
Norsk versjon - Apper og mobiltjenester
Topic pages about telephone | Pages labeled with telephone
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How to find the apps
The apps can be found by searching Google Play, AppStore or Windows Store using the keywords "Telia".
My page
Administrate your account at: Telia my page (in Norwegian).
If you haven't used my page before, registrate with "Registrer ny bruker". My page will show all your customer relationship with Telia; what services you have, data consumption and invoice. Among other things, you can order a new SIM-card, activate it and send SMS and MMS.
Telia - app
By using "Mitt Telia"-app, you will have full controll of data consumption, whether you are home or abroad.
Mobile company Internett - app
Mobile company Internett (mobilt bedriftsnett) cost 29 kroner each month. It requeires approval by your leader.
Information about ordering can be found on "bestille eller endre mobilabonnement" (in Norwegian).