
Regulations on delegation

Distribution of authority, delegations and authorization.

Norsk versjon: Delegasjonsreglement


Approved by the Board on 2 December 2021 (under revisjon)

The English version may differ from the authoritative version, which is in Norwegian. If so, the authoritative version is to be consulted.

The full version of the delegation regulations can be found above in pdf version. Below we have reproduced the introductory provisions in the delegation regulations, part 1 and part 2.



The allocation of authority and powers at NTNU is described in this document on the Board’s delegation of authority and powers to the Rector (Part I) and the Rector’s subdelegation at NTNU (Part II). Part I of the regulations has been decided by the Board of NTNU. Part II of the regulations is decided by the Rector.
The regulations on delegation must be seen in the context of NTNU’s management regulations, which describe the organization of the institution. The documents apply with effect from 1 January 2017.

The Act of 1 April 2005 No. 15 relating to Universities and University Colleges (“Universities and University Colleges Act”, abbreviated to uhl. in Norwegian) assigns all authority and all responsibility to the Board of NTNU, which shall thereby ensure that NTNU is managed in accordance with the regulations and framework in effect. Together, the above documents constitute the Board’s instructions to the Rector; see Section 9-2 third paragraph of the Universities and University Colleges Act.


"Delegation" refers to the assignment of competence (area of authority), without the delegating party giving up its own competence. Delegation is conditional on the authority to issue instructions and can always be withdrawn by the delegating body if the authority is not exercised within the given framework and assumptions. This implies that all delegated authority is exercised under the assumption of established systems for institution-based quality assurance and internal control. All delegation assumes that the Board constitutes NTNU’s top governing body, and that the Rector alone is accountable to the Board.

The allocation of authority and powers assumes that the University Board delegates authority to the Rector, as well as to the university’s Appeals Committee where the Universities and University Colleges Act provides for such delegation. The Rector may generally subdelegate his or her authority to ensure effective allocation of work at NTNU. Such delegation shall be conditional on the Rector’s responsibility for control of the institution with respect to the Board. Delegation should generally be explicit and documentable.

The right/authority to commit NTNU with respect to a third party follows the budget allocation authority, unless otherwise provided by law, special rules or decisions.

The regulations provide for the following distribution of work:

  • Matters that under the Universities and University Colleges Act are to be decided by “the Board itself or the institution’s appeals committee” are to be delegated to NTNU’s Appeals Committee.
  • The Board uses “Rector himself/herself” when the Board restricts the Rector’s access to subdelegation.
  • The Rector informs the Board of his/her subdelegation. The Rector’s subdelegation processes are set out in Part II of the document.



This document provides an overview of how authority, including delegations and powers, is assigned from the Rector and further in NTNU with effect from 1.1.2017. The regulations on delegation must be read in conjunction with NTNU’s management regulations, which describe the organization of the institution.

Part II is decided by the Rector or the person authorized by the Rector.

Managers’ general duties

Managers have at their disposal the resources that are assigned to the unit to perform the tasks and achieve the goals that apply to its activities, within given limits defined in regulations and overarching decisions. This includes staff, finances, organization and infrastructure.

Also see the management regulations and tasks and responsibilities for deans and for heads of departments.

The Rector’s delegation of authority and powers

The Rector may subdelegate authority and powers to his or her pro-rectors, directors, vice-rectors and deans unless otherwise decided. Vice-rectors may be given special powers by the Rector.

Pro-rectors, directors, deans and vice-rectors may subdelegate authority unless otherwise decided.

The Rector may delegate to the organization’s committees unless delegation is precluded by law or otherwise. This decision-making authority may not be subdelegated.

Powers of vice rectors in Ålesund and in Gjøvik

Vice-Rectors in Gjøvik and in Ålesund may be assigned special powers by the Rector.

Deputy functions

Managers at two levels at NTNU, that is, Rector and Dean/Museum Director, shall have a permanent deputy who acts with powers and authority equivalent to those of the manager represented.

See also
