
Publishing videos and sound clips online

This page contains advice on how to use video and sound clips on NTNU's webpages. Norsk versjon - Publisere video og lyd på nett

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Short and concise

NTNU has numerous occasions from which videos could be published. We sometimes cover lectures and large arrangements on our own webpages (online lectures) and It's learning), YouTube and iTunes U. This type of video isn't that expensive to make, and the users of such videos don't have high expectations in terms of the quality of the video.

There are a lot of exciting videos we could make: interviews with students before exams, experiments in laboratories, videos of campuses, etc.

It is important to think through the goal and target audience before shooting a video. Often it's best to make short and to the point clips instead of filming whole lectures or seminars. To spread the clips as much as possible, it's a good idea to publish them on YouTube first and then make a embedded video window of the website in Liferay.

Some genres of film (recruiting and research videos, etc) require more time and production costs. The viewers of such films have higher expectations to technical quality and dramaturgy.

Sound files are seldom used alone online, but they may be suitable for short lectures or debates. Soundrecords may require a deal of editing after they are taken.


  • Videos should be texted.
  • Sound files should have textual summaries.

Note that from 2012, all government operations must follows obligatory standards for publishing images, sound files and videos (Norwegian only link to the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment's website)

The multimedia centre

Contact NTNU's multimedia centre (Norwegian only) for more information on the types of video that are available, applicable standards, or if you are interested in making a video. The Communication Division can also provide contact information to video producers in Trondheim.

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