
Payouts of exchange scholarships administered by NTNU

This page provides information about how to receive payouts of exchange scholarships managed by NTNU.

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See Financing of exchange studies for info on the various ways you can fund exchange studies abroad.

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Payment of scholarships from NTNU

See the separate wiki page for payment of Erasmus scholarships

You will receive an email with information about whether you have been awarded a scholarship from NTNU some time after you have uploaded the confirmation of admission from the education institution abroad in Søknadsweb.


After you have arrived in the country where you will be studying, you must do the following to receive the scholarship payout:

Students who start their exchange spring 2024 or later:

  1. Upload a signed confirmation of arrival from your host institution in Mobility-Online. You can use this template or corresponding documentation issued by your host institution

Students who starter their exchange autumn of 2023 or earlier:

  1. Register your address abroad in *Studentweb*
  2. Send your bank account number by email to with the subject "Info Utbetaling”

The final deadline for registering your address abroad and sending the account number is:

  • 15 October if you started the exchange in the autumn semester. The scholarship will then be transferred to your account before 1 November.
  • 1 April if you started the exchange in the spring semester. The scholarship will then be transferred to your account before 30 April.

Reduction/withdrawal of scholarship

  • If you cancel your studies abroad or if you end them earlier than planned, you will have to repay part of the scholarship or will have your scholarship payout reduced
  • We reserve the right to reduce the amount if you receive a scholarship/grant from other sources (this does not apply to funding from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)
  • The scholarship will be withdrawn if you apply for leave of absence from NTNU for the period, or if you take a degree programme abroad


Advisors on exchange studies